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People far from gastronomic research, instruct: we eat to live. But this assertion is easily rebuttable charismatic. The daily rhythm brings Insanely: That's how life is, that the holidays it is extremely rare, and our confusion soul inhabiting periodically in different parts of the body, most commonly located in the stomach, because in the first place requires a diversity of everyday life in the culinary menu. Eating the same foods among other things can affect not only the physical well-being, but also on the psyche. And the invention of recipes has long been regarded not as a grave sin of gluttony, but as a spiritual creative process, the great art that reflects the tradition and culture of all tribes and peoples of our planet. Try to enjoy the spiritual values on an empty stomach - they are unlikely to get enough. Therefore, we live to wait to eat with gusto! Think about it, even Christ God only knows a wonderful recipe turned water into wine, just to make it tastier.

The ability to experience positive emotions is activated due to the biochemical processes in the human body, and such transformations are possible only when the energy supply. From time immemorial, whatever the occasion is marked by drawing a festive table, cooking the most exquisite recipes. This means that in the presence of provisions can idly sit back and get pleasure from life. And if you look at the root, the medical and culinary recipes on a strange coincidence, have one thing in common keyword "Recipes". Meaning of the phrase "We are what we eat" long ceased to be interpreted literally. Food can alter our mood, outlook, and even religion, which confirms the existence of recipes vegetarian dishes. Food is not only building protein material in the body. In the cold season your heart desires plate of hot soup or soup, a hot summer day hash, kvass or ice cream are just a balm.

Traditionally, in the kitchen of different nations of the world can find recipes first and second courses, side dishes and snacks, pastry, culinary desserts, which used the same ingredients, but the names of each dish original, a slight difference in recipes cooking adds a whole new flavor. Tried and was chosen recipes passed on from grandparents to grandchildren as a family heirloom, passed from generation to generation and carefully stored. A popular example of this is the recipe for barbecue, on which many housewives and fight either way, but can not reach the quality level of their preparation, to unravel the mystery of amazing: not subject retseptik, even cry!

Good recipes rasprostronyat as the best news, any women's magazine becomes more popular and increase audience, devoting recipes at least one page. On the eve of the New Year or Christmas we feverishly turn over them to find a new recipe lettuce, cake, loaf or festive meals. For example, Yandex states in 2009, a fact find recipes Easter cakes over 96 thousand times, and New Year's Eve salad recipes sought an audience of more than 200 thousand people. Ideas festive table concern today at the level of instincts. Recipes with spices, seasonings and spices evoke the most rudimentary sense of the person filling in all sorts of donuts and rasstegaychikah excite the imagination. Images of food inspired artists to create an independent genre in painting, still life called, and was born in cooking wonderful art of carving. Life to be attractive, it must first be tasty.

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