Parenting a child-melancholic

→ Parenting a child-melancholic

picture - Parenting a child-melancholicMelancholy - closed and indecisive. It is easy to upset. Loves solitude and quiet occupation. This impressionable pessimistic, prone to reflection and soul-searching. Scientists say that temperament does not change throughout life, is based on this person's character is formed.

Melancholic sadness and constantly doubt their abilities. Insignificant incident and serious trouble equally frightened and upset the baby. Melancholic parents have become accustomed to his tendency to pessimism. They will help your child get rid of suspiciousness and indecision.

However, should act very tactfully. Anger mom or dad, orders "pull themselves together" stinging taunts not cheer up the kid, but on the contrary, even more sadden and shall trouble.

But the method of "carrot" will give a wonderful effect: a well-deserved praise for even small achievements, admiration and sincere joy of success.

If a child that something does not work, do not criticize him - better to help understand the causes of failure. Expressed confidence that he would be able to cope with difficulties. But do not forget: children with this type of temperament quickly get tired and need for privacy.

Usually melancholic well developed imagination and fantasy, the inner world is rich and multifaceted. The baby became independent and confident, use his creativity. You can write stories or poems, arrange home readings, together paint a picture, and then, having received the consent of the child, posting them on public display, play home performances.

Gradually the need to attract new people to these lessons, expanding social circle baby. In other words, it is necessary to draw the attention of others quietly on the ability of the child.

Melancholic self-doubt will be easier to learn and interact with their peers, if the family there exists an attentive listener, always ready to understand and maintain.

Baby really need to share with someone from the family their experiences, to feel "strong arm" side. It is advisable to talk a lot with your child, talk about the troubles of his childhood, his own successes and failures.

Discussing the concerns of his situation, try to find in them the positive and amusing moments. Any changes in the baby's life to beat him in advance, emphasizing the positive aspects.

Psychologists warn that described temperaments does not exist in pure form! Each person has the features of all four. Depending on their severity can talk about the predominant type of temperament.

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