Summer refreshing cocktails and drinks

→ Summer refreshing cocktails and drinks

picture - Summer refreshing cocktails and drinks

Probably every citizen of our vast country is looking forward to the summer, picnics, sun and all the other nice things related to the warm season. However, when the long-awaited heat comes, again we can not please everyone: too hot, stuffy, etc. - Unpleasant moments in the summer too. To these troubles are not too annoyed you, and the summer was associated only with positive things, we have collected for you the best recipes and refreshing summer drinks and cocktails.

In the heat of the body, losing in the normal conditions in the day about 2-3 liters of fluid (through breathing, sweating, gastrointestinal tract), can lose it in 2 times more, so fill up "liquid reserves of the body" in a timely manner is very important. This should be both physiological and psychological point of view: increased consumption of drinks in hot weather helps us to cope with sleepiness and replenish energy.

Losing water in an amount of only 2-4% of the total body weight, once a person begins to feel decreased performance due to thickening of blood and insufficient supply of muscle energy.

Alcoholic drinks in hot weather drink is not recommended, because alcohol increases the dehydration, so the list of the best thirst quenching drinks they simply can not be present. Quench your thirst is not worth a sweet drinks - a worst-case scenario: a lot of sugar containing drinks with gas, on the contrary, increase thirst, as a result of the body not stimulated, and the sale of these beverages. Nevertheless, they remain the most popular in the heat - cold sweet drinks seems very tasty compared to plain water, kvass, Still homemade lemonade, etc.

What drinks can help quench your thirst in the heat best?

picture - Summer refreshing cocktails and drinks

Doctors in hot weather is recommended to drink unsweetened hot tea - green or black, as well as a simple drinking or mineral water with gas or without gas for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, calling these drinks are the best in terms of quenching thirst. Also, according to experts, is very good thirst quencher natural kvass, milk drinks, juices, nectars, fruit drinks - but under the condition of low blood sugar.

Quenches thirst better hot drink - because it is absorbed immediately, and cold drinks are absorbed no earlier than 20 minutes after use.

Of course, we understand that in the heat of drinking hot tea want the least, so we decided to approach the problem differently and picked up recipes such beverages, which will want to drink with pleasure, and they favor in hot weather for the body will bring substantial.

According to one of the best phytotherapeutists reducing water and electrolyte balance in the body is celery juice, drink a day which can be in an amount of not more than 50 ml. Using this information, you can cook a variety of cocktails and juices mixing celery juice with other juices and drinks.

Drink recipe with celery juice, tomato and apple

You will need: 500 g of celery, 250 grams of sour-sweet apples, 100 ml of tomato juice, sugar and salt to taste.

How to make a drink with juice of tomato, apple and celery. Clear celery, cut into slices, juice squeeze. Cut apples into quarters, cut out the seeds, squeeze the juice. Combine tomato and apple juice, stir, add celery juice, mix, and salt the podsaharit mixture to taste and serve chilled drink.

Too cold drinks in hot weather drink is not recommended, because they stimulate the sweat glands: the more you drink the cold, the greater the sweat, and consequently, the more thirsty. Thus, the consumption of cold drinks in the heat ultimately leads to dehydration.

On the basis of celery juice can make a lot of drinks, it also goes well with carrot and almost any other vegetable juices. Drink recipes with celery juice:

  • Carrot, celery and beet juice in a ratio of 8: 3: 5;
  • Carrot, cabbage and celery juice in a ratio of 1: 4: 5;
  • Carrot, celery and radish juice in proportions of 8: 5: 3;
  • Tomato, celery juice and yoghurt in a ratio of 1: 1: 4;
  • Celery, apple juice and sour milk in a ratio of 1: 1: 4.

If a bit (!) To add some salt drinks you quenches your thirst, you can further improve health, as Salt helps to compensate for the loss of body salts derived under intense sweating.

Other aides the body in hot weather - the lemon juice and the aforementioned tea. They can be used together, thereby increasing thirst quenching properties of drinks based on them.

Recipe of iced tea with lemon

You will need: black tea / green, lemon juice and sugar.

How to prepare iced tea with lemon. Rather weak brew black or green tea and cool it by adding sugar to taste. Add the tea lemon juice to taste, stir and drink the beverage in a cool way.

It is believed that green tea quenches thirst better than black, but the latter is better tones, as it has more caffeine.

On the basis of tea with lemon drinks can be prepared by adding a conventional or mineral water, fruit juices and for taste - orange, apple, grapefruit, etc. An interesting option - to put in tea ice, but not normal, and the fruit, which can also be done with these juices.

Tonic effect on the body has a ginger.

Recipe ginger tonic drink

picture - Summer refreshing cocktails and drinks

You will need: 200 ml boiling water, 2-3 cm fresh ginger root or? tsp ground ginger, lemon juice, honey.

How to cook ginger tonic drink. Pour grated on a fine grater or ground ginger boiling water, 10-15 minutes, put the honey and lemon juice to taste, stir, cool drink.

You can take the ingredients for more drink in the following proportions: 1.5 l of water 2 tablespoons grated ginger and 2 tablespoons honey? lemon (can use not only the juice and rind).

Speaking of the most useful and the best way to quench their thirst with drinks, one can not forget about this wonderful plant as peppermint, which is known for its thirst-quenching and many other remarkable properties. On the basis of mint can prepare iced tea or simply add its leaves in green or black tea, cocktails, soft drinks and juices - a lot of options.

Mint drink recipe

You will need: 1.5 liters of water, 3 lemon / lime, 1 bunch mint, sugar to taste.

How to prepare a mint drink. Squeeze of lemon or lime juice, combine it with water, add sugar and heat up, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Mint blender to grind or crush, put in a drink, mix, leave for 10-15 minutes and strain the drink. Put ice in a drink and a few whole leaves of mint.

Homemade drinks prepared with the finest products of helper organism - a way not only to well-being in hot weather, but also to health and beauty. Do not forget that the sugar in the heat - the enemy, so if you want to cook a drink in the recipe that you want to use it more than a few tablespoons of 1-3 liters of water, cheat - use honey instead, and health harm will be less and you nicer.

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