Design ideas cheese and meat plates

→ Design ideas cheese and meat plates

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Along with Olivier, one of the most popular snacks on Christmas tables - cheese and meat plates. As with all types of salads, to the design of such plates can be approached differently and thus wonderful to decorate the Christmas table. Let's see, how can you make cheese and cold meats.

The easiest option is to take several varieties of sausage-meat products and cheese, chop and gently lay on a flat dish. Even in this form, simply decorated with greenery, the plate will look neat and beautiful. However, to approach the design slicing and imagination - then it will become even more bright decoration of the table.

One of the simplest and does not require special skill options - put sausage or cheese dish in the shape of a flower. The petals of this flower are the pieces of sausage and meat, sausages also made flower, around which laid out the greens.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Sausage flower can be as simple as the photo above, or a little more difficult to cook, but more effective.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

To make this rose needs to take cooked sausage, cut into thin circles, several circles collapse and tightly pressed to each other, to connect the green onions, the second layer put the mugs more freely and bend them to the side, again to seal green onions, and a third layer of petals to place more freely and low.

To give the impression cheese and meat plates with additional ingredients. For example, it is possible to use, in addition to the usual greens, fruits such as kiwi, strawberries, and tomatoes.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Another option is to make flowers out of vegetables. Rose from the beet, the petals of tomato and radish flowers of cucumber. Option is also quite simple and does not require any special culinary skills.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

If you get creative with sliced cheese, a platter of meats can be arranged in such a stylish way. Calla lilies are easy to make cheese toast and sliced olives.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Cutting can be done with fresh flowers - why not?! Look, this song is a true masterpiece, elegant and very beautiful.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Assistant in the design of the cutting can also be a pineapple: it should be placed near the cutting and strung him snack on the toothpicks. Very unusual!

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

If you combine the idea callow, flowers, vegetables and decoration plates herbs you can make a snack bouquet.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Also meats you can put on a plate is not the usual manner in a horizontal plane, and the mountain: it cuts need to turn in the form of rolls.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

Another option of combining snacks and cutting - put the sausage meat in a circle, in the centre of the dish to pack something that you can stick skewers (for example, half of an Apple), and skewers to thread the tomatoes, olives and gherkins.

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

If you want and have the time of cheese and meats, you can create an entire song, which will combine and herbs, and flowers from cheese and meat, and pickled vegetables. Decorating the table with this snack, You will certainly hear the enthusiastic praise from everybody at the table!

picture - Design ideas cheese and meat plates

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