Rules for marking products in Russia will change

→ Rules for marking products in Russia will change

picture - Rules for marking products in Russia will change

13 Sep 2014. Russian consumers pay more attention to product data, which should be indicated on their packaging, in this regard, the rules of their marking will soon change.

Rules for the labeling of food products in many countries of the world differ from the Russian for the better. We are manufacturers often indicate incomplete information, as it is written simply too small and poorly readable. Soon, the situation should improve: experts from the National center of healthy food offered to amend the terms of labeling going on sale on the Russian market of food products.

Under the new rules, the information must be legible, must not be erased. The normal font is 12 PT, and to take this information should not be less than half the space of the package. Will also be specified calorie product and the percentage of the recommended daily values (2000 calories). Will also need to specify a different color contained in the product nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins): green indicates the normal level of substance, yellow - valid, and the red - raised.

Recipe of the categories: