Eggplant caviar

What you need:
8 (Servings)
3 ripe eggplant
3 summer ripe tomatoes
1 large red onion
Coarse salt to taste
1 h. l. coarsely ground black pepper
4 Art. l. vegetable oil
dill and parsley to taste
Heat oven to 180? C. Eggplant grease, put on a baking sheet and bake until the skin burst - about 15 minutes. Spoon to remove the eggplant pulp.
Tomatoes pour over boiling water, remove the peel, finely chop the flesh. Onions cleaned, cut into small pieces, pour over boiling water, then - with cold water.
Mix the pulp eggplant, tomatoes and onions; add salt to taste, season with pepper. Rub the mixture in a bowl tolkushkoy. Add butter and mix. Cool. Try, if necessary dosolit.
Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
Calories: 213 kcal
Bon Appetite!
Recipe of the categories: