Educational games for children 4-5 years

→ Educational games for children 4-5 years

picture - Educational games for children 4-5 yearsChildren in the early preschool years are most susceptible to the world, they learn to distinguish between information and analyze it, actively increase their vocabulary. At this time, the task of parents is to give them more useful knowledge. It is best to train in the game, then 4-5-year-old child will not be tired and tense.

Logic games. Adult draws a house, a tree and a car of simple geometric shapes - triangle, square, rectangle, and circle. Next painted the same objects, only adding to the basic geometric shapes of diamond, irregular triangle with sides of different length, a closed curve. You need to ask your child to color pencil only duplicate shapes.

Ask the child to think that you can do from the damaged things, as their re-use. For example, a teapot with a broken nose can be used as a vase for flowers or for storing buttons. And with the help of gel pens, removing from them the rods ended with ink, it is possible to blow bubbles.

Game on attention and logic. Read the child any famous poem, which he had not previously heard (as an option, fable or short story). Let the son or daughter will come up to it name. From the above we can draw conclusions about its care and respect to the theme of the poem. Also ask who is the main character of the works that he did and why they did it.

picture - Educational games for children 4-5 yearsGames on the development of motor skills. Do with the child application &&171;Flower&&187;. If the baby is not able itself, cut from colored paper petals and heart. Have the child glue them on the cardboard. The petals can also be made of feathers or pieces of cotton.

From cereals, straws, beads or beads can be made with the child's picture with a simple and clear story house with wood, sheep, sun and clouds. For this advance draw on paper, the contours of objects. Stick to them colorful small items. Solid particles of paint colors.

You can also create a joint with baby pictures. You draw one eye, let him draw the second, and so on. Fun to draw, using poems: &&171;Dot, dot, comma, left a funny face&&187; or &&171;arms, legs, ogurecik, here came the little man&&187;.

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