Russia - almost a world leader

→ Russia - almost a world leader

picture - Russia - almost a world leader

October 10, 2014. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is sure that Russia will soon become the world leader in the production of certain foods.

After Rospotrebnadzorom in the last few months has been banned imports of certain food categories from 26 countries (the last of the prohibitions - on the import of dairy products from Lithuania), among which are mainly dairy products, meat and fish, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev made a statement. Medvedev said that Russia believes "the ability to feed itself, while ensuring an appropriate level of livestock products. So, in terms of milk production, we can become a world leader. "

Today in our country annually produces about 31.9mln tons (these figures are lower than Soviet) by 2020 is planned to increase production to 37.6-38.9mln tons by 2030 - up 42.5-46.3mln tons. It is expected that the consumption of milk and dairy products in the country will grow.

Recipe of the categories: