In Russia returns a mandatory school uniform

→ In Russia returns a mandatory school uniform

picture - In Russia returns a mandatory school uniformAs part of an innovative project &&171; Textiles&&187; 5-10 years in Russia may return a mandatory school uniform. In this new model school clothes will be much less standardized than its Soviet counterpart. Perhaps it will be a national, ethnic, regional characteristics.

Return of school uniforms will be designed for you to support domestic producers. In the Ministry of Industry believe that tailoring for students can be part of the state order for garment factories. It is not the fact that the form will be much cheaper than it is now. The average cost of a set of three elements - the jacket, vest and pants / skirt - currently stands at 4-5 thousand rubles.

In Russian uniforms first appeared in 1764, when Catherine II founded &&171; Educational Society of Noble Ladies&# 187 ;, where pupils of different age groups wore dresses of a certain color.

In 1834 was approved by the general system of all civilian uniforms in the Russian Empire, and students of lyceums, gymnasiums and pensions received its shape is very similar to the military. In 1918, a form of pre-revolutionary Russia was recognized as a relic of the bourgeois and canceled.

School uniforms in the USSR has changed several times, but the overall style and layout remained unchanged: the girls - classic brown dress with a black or a white apron and tied back on a bow.

Boys in 1962, dressed in gray wool suits on four buttons, and since 1975 gray colors gave way to a half-woolen fabric blue. This form remained virtually unchanged until its abolition in 1992.

In modern Russia, there is no single school uniforms, but many high schools and grammar schools, especially private, have their own style of students.

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