Caesar Salad

→ Caesar Salad

picture - Caesar Salad

Caesar salad recipe was invented accidentally American restaurateur Caesar Cardini Italian origin. July 4, 1924, US Independence Day, he had to be rushed to invent a dish for guests unexpectedly appeared. It has been only cook eggs, bread, lettuce, olive oil, garlic, parmesan, lemon and Worcestershire sauce. It turned out that these products are so in tune with each other, that a few years later Parisians recognized Caesar salad recipe is the best of the American recipe for half a century.

Today, chefs and housewives cook different versions of Caesar, adding to the classic recipe of meat and seafood, pine nuts, Chinese cabbage, soft cheese, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes, even raisins. Tuck it too for all tastes: not only special sauce, and mayonnaise, sour cream, soy sauce, cream and mustard. Instead of Worcestershire sauce can be charged with balsamic vinegar. Initially filling obtained during mixing all ingredients at once, usually separately prepared sauce.

Classic Caesar salad recipe

You will need:

  • Parmesan - 100-120 g
  • White bread - a third of the stick
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Big bunch of green salad
  • Mustard - 1 hr. L.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Olive Oil - 100 ml
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

To become crispy lettuce stays fresh longer, put them in a bowl with cold water and leave for an hour.

A method for preparing the classic Caesar salad:
Cut the bread into cubes and dried in the oven. In boiled eggs share the white and yolk. Prepare the sauce: mash the yolks with a fork, add the lemon juice, oil, pepper, salt, mustard and sagging garlic, mix well. Tear lettuce hands and spread on a dish. Pour over crackers leaves. Pour sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese. Before serving, stir.

The secret fueling Caesar salad - cooked in a special way the eggs. Cardini cooked them in boiling water, remove from stove, one minute, and then allowed to cool at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Videoretsept Caesar salad with chicken

Recipe of the categories: