Squid: cooking and recipes of various dishes

→ Squid: cooking and recipes of various dishes

picture - Squid: cooking and recipes of various dishes

Squid today the product is available, sold everywhere at very reasonable prices. What dishes they can make and how to cook squid - read this article.

Reasonable price, quick and easy cooking, great taste dishes prepared from squid - all this makes this seafood is a great choice for all lovers of delicious and healthy food on the cooking which you do not need to spend a lot of time. However, squid is much less popular, for example, shrimp. Why? The thing is that due to improper cooking some cooks disappointed in the seafood that you can easily make hard and tasteless.

Squid is a cephalopod molluscs, which can have sizes from 25 to 50cm (giant squid belonging to the genus Architeuthis, reach dimensions 20m together with tentacles, it is the largest invertebrate in the world). On sale usually do squid weighing up to 800g.

Properly cooked squid deprived of bright fish and taste like lobster. With them you can cook flavorful soups, great salads, delicious steamed and fried dishes. Great that in addition to the delicious taste made with squid dishes will have even and healthy.

Squids belong to the products-the record for the iodine content rich they are and such substances as cobalt, selenium and vitamin E together neutralized salts of heavy metals), taurine (reduces blood cholesterol, has anti-sclerotic effect, normalizes blood pressure), extractives (help to develop gastric juice), potassium (because of this squid is called a balm for the heart because it helps to normalize the work of all human muscles, also removes excess fluid, prevents swelling), phosphorus, iron, copper, arginine and lysine (good for children).

In squid, which doctors believe is much more useful than the meat of land animals, very high content of easily digestible protein, vitamins and polyunsaturated fats.

This diet product that has no fat and cholesterol in 100g of raw squid, only 92 calories, fried - 175, boiled - 110. Caloric just dried and smoked squid - about 250 calories per 100g.

Features of cooking squid

picture - Squid: cooking and recipes of various dishes

The edible part of the squid is the mantle, which are vital organs and tentacles.

On sale you can often see frozen squid. Before buying please note the status of the product: squid meat should not be yellow or purple color, in good condition, it can only be white. But the top film can be brown, purple or pink. If the meat squid has a purple or yellow tint, this suggests that the product repeatedly thawed and that's bad, because these squid have a bitter taste, odor perivaginal fish, during the preparation of foams and spreading. You should pay attention to the fact that squid should not be sticky or contain packing snow is talking about violation of the rules of storage, which also entails the loss of taste and useful properties.

Squid can be sold in a purified or unpurified form, if you are not sure which option to choose, choose unrefined, because already cleaned at least twice frozen (due to treatment), but be prepared that you have to spend time cleaning them from films that, in principle, is not so difficult.

To clean squid need to quickly and easily clean the squid can, if you put them frozen in a deep container and pour boiling water over the skin will peel off, and the boiling water you need to immediately drain and rinse the squid, cleaning of residue from the film under running water. If you have the guts and transparent stick - chord (spine) - thus they need to be removed.

Cook squid meat should no more (!) three minutes or more than 30, when it again will become soft (but will lose in volume and weight).

Want to boil the squid, so they were incredibly tender and tasty? Bring the pot to a boil 2l of water, sunflower her, put peppercorn, Bay leaf, boil 5 minutes. Next you need one to drop the squid into the water with spices and count to 10 each time for readiness squid this time will be enough. To get boiled squid need a skimmer.

Fry and cook the squid should be in a pan, no more than two (!) minutes, otherwise they, again, will be hard and tasteless.

The main mistake many cooks - exceeding the recommended time of heat treatment squid. Time in 2-3 minutes seems too small, in the end, most of us squids peredarivaet or digests tasteless and it turns out that is the main reason for the low popularity of the squid in our country! Meanwhile, in some countries they are generally eaten raw, only adding to the tender meat, squid, various sauces, because it is perfectly safe, provided the freshness and quality of the product.

Recipes for delicious dishes of calamari.

picture - Squid: cooking and recipes of various dishes

In Europe and the United States squid prefer to cook with braised cabbage, rice, steamed and raw vegetables, often served as a separate dish. We are in favor salad with calamari, and this second dish like stuffed squid. Meanwhile, one can prepare and refined soup, and lots of snacks!

Let's start with the first course.

The recipe is simple soup squid

You will need: 500g cleaned squid, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot and onion, Bay leaf, pepper, parsley, salt, vegetable oil.

How to make a simple soup with squid. Pour into a pot with 1 liter of water, bring to boil, squid wash, salt water and when it boils for 1 minute to omit the squid, then cut into strips or semicircles. Remaining after boiling the water will be broth, you can fill it in water or leave as there is, again, bring to boil, put the sliced potatoes. From onions with carrots to make zazharku, to add to almost finish the potatoes, put Laurel and other seasonings to taste, put the squid and cook the soup for another 1-2min.

From soups will move on to the second course.

Recipe of mushroom julienne squid

You will need: 500g fillet squid and mushrooms, 300g cream 22% and semi-hard cheese, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. butter, 2 tbsp. flour and sour cream, 1 tablespoon of chopped dill, salt.

How to cook mushroom julienne with squid. Drop the squid on queue 10-15 seconds in boiling water, then rinse with cold water, peel, cut into strips or thin rings. Chop fine the onion, finely chop the mushrooms. Heat in a pan the oil, saut onions 5 minutes, put the mushrooms and fry for 6-7 minutes until taromenane. On a grater grate the cheese, stir the mushrooms and squid and half of the cheese. Flour fry in a dry pan, add the cream, sour cream, pepper, salt, add the dill, bring with stirring to boiling, pour the mushroom sauce mixture with squid, stir. Put the mixture into mini casseroles, sprinkle with remaining cheese and bake until taromenane cheese.

Recipe for risotto with squid in multivarka

You will need: 700g squid, 2 cloves of garlic 1.5 cups of MV rice, 1 Bank canned corn and onion, 3 tbsp olive oil, salt.

How to cook in multivarka risotto with squid. Squid prepare and cut into strips. Fry the finely chopped onion in butter in MV 5 minutes, add the washed rice and fry for 5 minutes, pour the water, include the program "Rice". With the

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