Pickled eggplant stuffed with carrots and celery
10 kg eggplant
2 kg carrots
1 kg roots of celery
500 g garlic
300 g vegetable oil
Wash all the vegetables, peel them and cut into small pieces, fry in butter, salt and combine with the chopped garlic and stir.
Rinse the eggplant, put in a saucepan, pour boiling salted water (1 tbsp salt per liter of water), boil for 5 minutes, covered with a lid.
Remove the eggplant from the water, let them cool, cut in half lengthwise, stuff with vegetables.
Tightly place the eggplant in a container for fermentation, cover with a clean cloth, put a wooden circle and cargo.
On the second day of fermentation on cloth should receive the juice, if it is not, the load should be increased.
Next, pickled eggplant, stuffed with carrots and celery, you need to stand in a cold place and there store.