Beaudry winter: delicious coffee recipes with additives

→ Beaudry winter: delicious coffee recipes with additives

picture - Beaudry winter: delicious coffee recipes with additives

In winter, so want to cheer and warm! This combination - the best that can wish them every adult in the cold season. For such purposes, you can cook a delicious coffee to interesting recipes.

Of course, we will focus on how to prepare a tasty coffee with your hands at home, because, being available to advanced espresso machine, many do not even think about how to spend time on such initiatives. If such a miracle machine you do not, nothing is lost, and maybe even the contrary, because, as the saying goes: everything done with his own hands, sincerely!

Why not just add coffee, wanting to diversify and make it more interesting taste: alcoholic and non-alcoholic syrups, liqueurs and other beverages, spices and various sweets, etc. Well, coming up with new ways to prepare and serve this wonderful drink coffee drinkers probably never get tired. Today, coffee recipes, there are hundreds, and perhaps thousands, and winter - it's time to retreat from the usual options and take advantage of interesting recipes that will help make it more useful, warming, invigorating and flavored drink!

For a start - a simple variant of coffee with honey.

Recipe for coffee with honey

Need: 300ml water, 8 tsp ground coffee, 3 tablespoons honey.

How to make coffee with honey. Bring to a boil the water in the pot, let cool slightly, add the honey, bring to a boil, pour the coffee, stirring constantly bring to a boil again. Pour the drink into a cup, lodge.

As is known, when boiled honey useful properties are lost, but this recipe is designed primarily for flavor. If you want to drink, not only tasteful, but also with the beneficial properties of honey, add a little more honey in the cup of coffee to a few ostyvshemu.

Tasty and healthy coffee can be prepared from both the ground and from the instant coffee.

By the way, did you know that in the instant coffee contains even more caffeine than a hammer? The fact that soluble coffee made by a special technology from ground, due to which it is converted into powder or granules. Having a less pronounced taste and flavor, however, this compared to coffee ground has more caffeine, and the more expensive and higher quality coffee, so it has more caffeine. Because of this, physicians recommend the coffee drink powder better brewed coffee rather than soluble.

Cooking recipe spiced coffee from a soluble

You will need: 1 tsp instant coffee, grated fresh ginger, honey and lemon juice, 1 cup water, pinch of ground black pepper.

How to cook spicy instant coffee. Grated on a fine grater fresh ginger root put in boiling water, immediately remove from heat, pour the coffee into the coffee cup and pour ginger broth, stir. Add coffee honey, stir, strain and season with lemon juice drink and black pepper.

Minimum of hassle, and get a very interesting drink, tonic and invigorating - try it!

Any ginger drinks should be drunk in the first half of the day, because they are very strong tone.

At home, you can please yourself and sweet versions of coffee drinks.

Recipe vanilla coffee

picture - Beaudry winter: delicious coffee recipes with additives

You will need: 100 ml water 1 tbsp whipped cream and vanilla sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp instant coffee.

How to cook vanilla coffee. Connect the hot water, coffee, eggs, vanilla sugar, whip it all mixer, pour the mixture into a bowl and garnish with whipped cream coffee.

Another embodiment of the coffee beverage, which may be prepared from soluble coffee - berries.

Recipe coffee berries "To your health"

Need: 10 cranberries, raspberries 7-8, 1 cup of water for rosehip? cups of boiling water, 1 tablespoon rose hips, 2-3 tsp liquor, 1-2 tsp instant coffee, 1 tsp honey.

How to make coffee with berries "Cheers." Pour the berries of wild rose cup of boiling water, to insist 5-6ch. In a large coffee cup of coffee put, fill it with boiling water, stir, pour the infusion of rose hips, add honey, put the raspberries and cranberries, pour the liqueur to taste.

You can use frozen cranberries and raspberries.

As can be seen, the range of options of coffee, which can be prepared from soluble coffee is really wide. But if you want to make a very fragrant and tasty drink, then it is better to brew coffee from freshly ground coffee beans. Next - recipes coffee drinks from coffee grounds.

Coffee recipe with orange and rum

picture - Beaudry winter: delicious coffee recipes with additives

Need 10 tsp ground black coffee, 8 tsp sugar, clove bud 4, 1 cup water, 1 glass of rum, orange zest, cream - to taste.

How to make coffee with rum and orange. Pour boiling water over the ground coffee, stand 5 min, then pour the coffee into cups. In each plate put 2 tsp sugar, a carnation, orange zest grated or finely chopped and pour a little rum. Cream submitted separately.

Very fragrant and useful coffee made with cardamom, also following recipe is interesting by the presence of cherry and pineapple.

Recipe coffee with cardamom, pineapple and cherry

Need: 300ml water, 6 candied cherries, 4d grains of cardamom, 4 tsp ground coffee, 1 slice of pineapple canned.

How to make coffee with cardamom. Bring water to a boil, put it in cardamom, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let cool, then strain. Boil the broth cardamom coffee in every cup put 1 ice cubes, pour hot coffee, put the pieces of pineapple and a cherry.

Well, the last one in our selection of interesting recipes coffee recipe - the most difficult but also the most unusual, with flaming.

Recipe spiced coffee flavored with citrus

You will need: 1 liter of hot strong coffee, 20 pieces of refined sugar, 4-5 cloves, 4 slices of cinnamon, 1 lemon and orange, cognac.

How to cook spicy coffee with citrus. Cook the ground coffee from strong black coffee. In an enamel saucepan put the rind of lemon and orange, cut into slices, cloves, cinnamon, refined sugar. Sprinkle refined brandy and ignite, give a little burn, then pour the mixture burning hot strong black coffee, leave for 3-4min, then pour the drink through a sieve to coffee cups.

Delicious flavored coffee is always warm in cold weather and energy. Delicious cooked in your favorite recipe, the drink must cheer up and give elation even in the most severe frosts!

Recipe of the categories: