Homemade Pizza: 3 fastest recipe

→ Homemade Pizza: 3 fastest recipe

picture - Homemade Pizza: 3 fastest recipe

When you want fast, but tasty snack, homemade pizza can be a great solution. In this collection we have collected for you 3 very simple and easy recipe cooking a delicious homemade pizza.

Many recipes quick pizza that cooks everywhere are divided based on the recipe of the famous American chef Jamie Oliver. His quick pizza recipe is simple: knead the dough in a proportion of 3 to 3, and 1: 3 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons sour cream / mayonnaise and 1 egg, also need to add a pinch of salt, the repayment of a drop of vinegar - the consistency of the batter should have such as pancakes. Everything is very fast and easy! First, such a framework is necessary for the pizza for 10 minutes to bake in the oven, preheated to 235 degrees, then the pizza is baked as much again at 200gradusov already stuffed.

In principle, after the above recipe D. Oliver write something further about the pizza too fast, but we still tell you about the three fastest pizza recipes.

Recipe pizza-minutes in the pan

picture - Homemade Pizza: 3 fastest recipe

Need: 9 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons sour cream / yogurt and mayonnaise, 2 eggs, 1 pinch slaked vinegar soda straw, stuffing - products to taste cheese.

How to cook a quick pizza pan. Mayonnaise and yogurt or sour cream, flour and eggs knead the batter, add slaked soda, stir and pour the dough into a greased pan. Chop all the ingredients for the filling, put on the dough, sprinkle with grated cheese and everything under the hood bake pizza 15 minutes.

Mayonnaise can not be used at all - to prepare the dough can be only one yogurt or sour cream.

Recipe for making a quick pizza yeast dough

Need: 300ml milk, 2 tablespoons vegetable oils and mayonnaise, one fast packet yeast, flour, salt, stuffing - ingredients to taste salt.

How to cook a quick pizza yeast dough. In a bowl pour the yeast, salt the them, pour the warm milk, stir and leave for 15 minutes in the heat, add a little flour and mix the batter, add the butter and mayonnaise, stir and add the flour so that the dough was thick non-flowing. Give the dough for 15 minutes rasstoyatsya, cut a piece, roll, put in a greased form, brush with ketchup, put the filling, sprinkle with cheese and bake in preheated oven well for 20-30 minutes until tender.

The best filling for a quick pizza - what was left in the refrigerator, for example, the remains of meat or chicken roll, beef, sausage, etc.

The third recipe is a quick pizza involves cooking authentic Italian pizza yeast dough with olive oil.

Recipe for making quick Italian pizza

picture - Homemade Pizza: 3 fastest recipe

Need 2.5 cups flour, 1 cup of water warm 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tsp dry yeast-speed, 1 tsp salt for the filling - 250g chopped tomatoes 150g mozzarella cheese, 2 cloves garlic, 1 bunch of basil, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tsp oregano, pepper, salt.

How to quickly cook Italian pizza. Sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in the center, pour the oil, add salt and yeast, gently pouring water into the hole, to mix the flour with the edges to the center, knead the dough viscous, put it on the table and knead floured 10 minutes to elasticity, cover dough and give it a go in the heat (best to put it in a bowl and put it in a large container with hot water) for 20 minutes. Until the dough is suitable finely chopped garlic, 1 tablespoon at oil to fry it, add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, add the oregano, put 15 minutes on low heat. Divide the dough in half, each half stretch gently from the center of the edges, roll a rolling pin to a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. Put tomato sauce on both pizzas, lay on top of thinly sliced cheese, basil and bake pizza for 10 minutes in a preheated 220 degree oven to melt the cheese.

Many people love pizza, not only for a variety of fillings, but also for quick cooking. Learn to cook a delicious homemade pizza on the proposed recipes, you get a lot of praise from satisfied relatives and friends!

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