Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

→ Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

picture - Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

If ever there homemade cottage cheese or cheese was a matter quite common, but today it is quite a feat for which dare not every hostess. It takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it - it turns out delicious homemade cheese without harmful additives production. So, we suggest you try your hand at homemade cheese.

Cheese is made by people from time immemorial: according to one version it began to cook for 8 millennium BC. The invention has been associated with cheese sheep domestication and presumably occurred by chance during storage of milk in the stomachs of ruminants is transformed into curd and whey, and the reason for this conversion was rennet, which is contained in the stomachs of these animals.

If the estimated time of the invention of cheese indicated by historians, the tangent space is nothing certain is known. Over the first to invent the cheese compete Middle East, Sahara, Central Asia and Europe.

Many researchers believe that the cheese was invented Arab nomads who used milk storage method described above.

Today, in every store you can find a rather big assortment of cheeses: smoked, creamy, soft, hard, moldy, processed, etc. However, not every cheese counter supermarket can really call are as follows: production of production on the conveyor has done its work, and in our time, we often we eat cheese with a mass of harmful additives, and sometimes even very chemical variants that resemble real cheese is very remote. From such a situation there is a way: if you want to enjoy delicious cheeses without weight chemical additives, can learn how to cook them at home.

Preparation of cheeses at home: how is it real?

In fact, the preparation of cottage cheese is much closer to reality than it might seem at first glance. Soft cheeses cooking at home quite simple, only requires the preparation of cheese ingredients and special equipment that are not available in every supermarket, however, if desired, and such a large cheese can be made at home.

To date, all cheeses are prepared using one of two techniques:

  • Melting of dairy products;
  • Mixing milk with rolling enzymes and lactic acid bacteria.

The first method allows you to get soft cheeses and widely used cooks at home. Using the second method make hard cheeses, and it is used in home cooking is much less common. Nevertheless, buy rennet (pepsin or pepsin-atsidin) today can - it is better to look in pharmacies or in the markets in places selling spices.

Interestingly, the easiest way to cook at home such cheeses, which are expensive and are not sold in every store, for example, Philadelphia cheese, which is used for sushi and rolls, cheese, mascarpone, from which prepare Italian tiramisu and cheesecake.

Recipe for making homemade mascarpone cheese

picture - Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

Need: 800 ml 20% cream, 200 ml whipping cream / milk 2 tsp lemon juice.

How to cook homemade mascarpone cheese. Good mix milk with sour cream, put on low heat, stirring constantly heated up to 75 degrees, pour lemon juice, stir - liquid curdle. In no case do not give weight to boil. After folding immediately turn off the heat and leave to cool curd. Mark gauze roll in several layers, is wetted with water, put in a colander, pour weight to leave hour - excess liquid should leak, if this time is not enough to leave another hour. Next, squeeze cheese - the stronger it is pressed, the more dense work. Store home mascarpone in the refrigerator.

In this case, the enzyme acted as citric acid, as well as the technology of preparation combines both a method for manufacturing cheese.

Most recipes for home-made cheese requires a colander, gauze or cotton fabric suitable. Also better to have a special thermometer to measure the temperature of the mass - it is important not to bring to a boil, otherwise you'll have to do a whole series of steps that complicate procedure significantly.

If during the preparation of the mass is still in full swing, in the end, she exfoliate. In this case, the mixture should be put under the press, which will remove the excess liquid, and leave for 10-12 hours and start cooking again.

The easiest way to cook homemade cheese curd - rennet in this case is not required. Briefly describe the preparation of the cheese can be this: to lay a gauze or cloth colander to drain whey, cheese sprinkled with salt (1 kg 1 tablespoon salt), rub thoroughly to evenly distribute the salt - there should be no lumps. In dry or low-fat cottage cheese, you can add cream or sour cream. Cooked curd is laid out in the form at the bottom of which laid the gauze in several layers, and pressed down on top of the press. So you need to leave it for 10-12 hours, it is important to make sure that the cheese does not retain moisture.

Recipe for making homemade cream cheese

picture - Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

You will need: 1 kg of cheese (better - home), 100 g butter, 1 egg, 2 cloves of garlic, parsley, 1 tsp baking soda and salt.

How to cook homemade cheese. If you use cottage cheese, it should be possible dehydrated - put it under the press a day (as the press can use bank 3L water) if the purchase cheese, this is not necessary, but will need to mince. The oil should be at room temperature as an egg. Beat egg lightly with a fork. Finely chop the herbs and garlic. Put cheese in tolstodonnuyu pan, put the butter, cut into slices, salt and baking soda, cook on low heat with stirring until smooth, not boiling - it will take about 10 minutes. Further, the thickened mass must be removed from the heat, put the garlic, parsley and egg until smooth vymeshivaya all. Pour the hot mass in the form of non-melting, oiled, for 6-8 hours put into the cold. Before use, get the cheese out of shape.

This cheese is perfect as a spread for bread, instead of greens and garlic, you can add the paprika and other spices and additives.

If you managed to buy pepsin, you can cook at home such as mozzarella cheese.

Recipe for making homemade mozzarella cheese

picture - Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

Need: 2 liters of milk fat, 1.5-2 liters of water, 2 tbsp salt and lemon juice? tsp pepsin.

How to cook homemade mozzarella. 1 sachet of pepsin 1d designed for 100l of milk, so used to making cheese should literally pinch of this substance, but should not be afraid of overdose - pepsin is completely harmless. Dilute pepsin in? glasses of water. 60-70 g of heated milk, pour the lemon juice, the enzyme solution, mix - just begin to separate serum, not boiling wait until serum separator, drain it and squeeze hands get hot curd. The water is brought to 90 degrees off the fire podsolit for several minutes to omit it cheese.

In order not to burn your hands when working, use thick rubber gloves.

The cheese should be supple, soft and stringy. Stretch and stretch cheese dipping in hot water several times for 2-3 minutes. Became homogeneous mass lay on the board with your fingers to knead, roll envelope and again dipped in hot water to mix softened. Cover the work surface with cling film, get the cheese out of the water, roll it into a sausage, wrap film, using rope to make sausages nodules - thus shape and separate the balls. You can not do a lot of small balls, and a few large ones. Cheese must be stored in a refrigerator in a jar with serum.

From popular in our country cheese at home is most easily done Adyghe cheese.

Recipe for making homemade cheese Adyghe

picture - Cottage cheese - it is easier than it seems

You will need: 1 kg of cheese home 9-18%, 1 liter of milk 3.2%, 100 g butter, 3 eggs, 1 tsp soda, 1 tsp salt.

How to cook a home Adygea cheese. Milk bring to the boil, put nezernisty curd, boil for 30 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally. In a saucepan put a sieve, put it in cheesecloth, folded in 2-3 layers, drain. After draining whey (the one you can make pancakes), lay still slightly warm curd into a clean bowl, drive 3 raw eggs, put the softened butter, baking soda and salt, stir the fire a little above average boil, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes, put cheese mixture into a deep greased bowl, spoon leveled when all is cool, place the bowl in 2-3 hours in the cold. Ready to get the cheese out of the bowl, turning it.

If at first after boiling the mixture boil for 40 min, add soda, salt and add 1 tablespoon rather than teaspoon, you get cheese "Suluguni."

Prepare homemade cheese is not as difficult as it seems. Of course, not all the cheese you can cook at home, but in some cases resulting simply irreplaceable, for example when you need to make cheesecake or other dish that you want to use a large amount of mascarpone, which is not sold everywhere and does not cost too expensive. I wish you success in making cheese at home!

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