Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

→ Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

picture - Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

As you know, cheese is one of the most useful products that must be present in the diet of every person who aspires to be healthy and look good. Buying store-bought cheese, many Housewives for a variety of reasons, disappointed, and in such situations there can be only one - learn how to prepare delicious cheese at home.

The word curd from the old Slavic roughly translated as "milk, made of solid". Even our ancestors hundreds of years ago appreciated the benefits of this wonderful product, which, according to many historians, for the first time, most likely, was an accident of sour milk.

Cheese is rich in many nutrients, including vitamin a, phosphorus, calcium, protein, vitamins of group C. Patients with anemia, obesity, hypertension, liver disease and kidney disease, atherosclerosis and many other diseases curd need to eat daily.

By the way, the cheese is the most legkouswaivaemye body milk product, but only on the condition that the cheese is fresh and natural. In recent years, many have come to the conclusion that buying store-bought cheese, to be sure the composition and freshness of hard cheese. Therefore, more and more Housewives and especially young moms who want to protect their children from allergic reactions and other negative consequences of the use of low-quality cheese, prefer to cook cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese - cooking secrets

To cook a delicious cheese at home is much easier than it might seem at first glance. Today invented many ways to "turn milk into cheese, we will discuss the most simple, allowing you to get a delicious and healthy cheese.

The classic recipe of cottage cheese

picture - Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

You will need: sour milk
what kind of milk should I choose? we'll show

How to make cottage cheese. Pour sour milk in a saucepan, heat on low heat but do not boil the milk should be curtailed. Take a sieve with cheesecloth, put it on a pan, put in a sieve crud in the pan will drain the whey and the curd will remain in gauze. With 1 l of milk usually get 1 small bowl of cottage cheese.

Recipe cottage cheese with a high content of calcium

picture - Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

You will need: 1 liter of milk, 2-3 tbsp. of a 10% solution of calcium chloride (sold in pharmacies)

How to make homemade cheese. Milk pour into a saucepan, heat but do not bring to a boil, pour the calcium chloride one spoon each time, stirring thoroughly, then bring everything to a boil, remove from heat, allow to cool and put the cottage cheese in a sieve with several layers of gauze. More than 100 g of this cheese a day should not be used.

Very easy to cook the cheese, using lemon juice or acid.

Recipe cottage cheese on citric acid or the juice

picture - Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

You will need: 1 liter of milk, juice ? lemon

How to make cottage cheese. Milk pour into a saucepan, put it on a slow fire, as soon as the milk starts to boil, throw in a few grains of citric acid, or add lemon juice, immediately turn off the heat the milk immediately curdle. Give the milk to cool, then strain it, put it on with several layers of cheesecloth colander. The drawback of this cheese - it cannot be used for baking, although he is very gentle.

Recipe of cheese tender

picture - Cheese is the most delicious and healthy make yourself at home

You will need: 2 liter of natural milk

How to make cottage cheese. Take natural fresh (!) milk, pour into a saucepan, cover and leave at room temperature for 30 hours - the milk should be sour and turn into yogurt. Put the resulting low heat, heat, without boiling and without disturbing when you see small bubbles, and the pan will be hot to touch, turn off the stove, the pan leave on for 8-10 hours at room temperature. Serum was separated from the curd after time must be transparent. Put the cheese on the folded in several layers of cheesecloth, the serum can not pour (it is possible to make the dough), to hang over the sink and to endure until the last drops about an hour. Store this cheese can be 3-5 days.

Rules of homemade cottage cheese

  • It is very important when heated do not boil the milk when making cheese classic recipes - cheese will be rough and will be too hard to crumble, if the milk precipatate.
  • Use for cheese only natural whole milk.
  • Better use any utensils, in addition to enamel.
  • Many Housewives think that the curd obtained qualitative and grainy, if in the cooking process at any stage not to mix the milk.
  • Heat the milk needed on very low heat.
  • To overdo the cheese in the cheesecloth when drying is not recommended - the maximum time 1-2 hours, otherwise the cheese will dry.

Recipe of the categories: