Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

→ Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes
Since ancient times in Russia pancakes are one of the most favorite dishes. Prior to the baptism of their baked as a sacrificial bread and the gift of the God Perun, seeing pancakes winter and welcoming spring - these fragrant yellow mug is so reminiscent of the sun... And today, after a thousand years, pancakes remain popular and so loved, and now, as a long time ago, we lost one of their winter and meet the spring, feeding pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

When were invented pancakes, just impossible, but the fact that they were baked in pagan times - historical fact. The name "pancake" is derived from the word "Melin" denoting a pastry and formed from "grinding" and transformed over time into shorter "Mlyn", and then skativshiesya to this pancake. As in ancient times, today recipes pancakes and their varieties, there are many: they are made of thin, thick, milk, water, yogurt, yeast rolls, with PrepCom etc. Classic is considered as pancakes recipe milk, or milk mixed with water.

Classic pancakes (pancakes recipe milk and water)

We need: 2 eggs, 1.5 cups flour, 1 Cup water, 1 Cup milk, 1 tbsp. of sugar ? tsp. salt, 50 ml of vegetable oil. Cooking classic pancakes takes a bit of time: first, separate the egg whites from the yolks, whisk yolks with sugar and salt, pour in the milk mixed with water, then gradually, stirring the dough, stir the flour, knead a homogeneous dough, then add beaten egg whites and again mix well. The last in the dough is added to the oil.

The technology of how to make pancakes, very simple: pour the batter into the pan in small ladle, slowly pancakes should not be too thick, ladle hold with one hand, and the pan - the other, pouring the batter on the hot pan, it must simultaneously thither turn, the dough quickly evenly distributed in the pan. Typically, grease the pan with oil or fat, for this prick on the plug, and to avoid the abundance of vegetable oil, you can do: wrap in gauze piece of cotton wool and dip this design in red on a saucer of oil, then grease the pan. Bake pancakes usually with two sides, a signal for turning is darkening the edges to brown hue and appearance of bubbles on the pancake, usually on each side of pancakes fry about 30 seconds. The finished pancakes are best to put each other in a pile, accurately each butter and after adding each pancake covering the stack with a clean towel - pancakes need to breathe, but not to cool.

It is believed that the pancakes milk tastier than water, but in water they are more lush, that is why most often use for pancakes and milk, and water at the same time, but, of course, to cook the pancakes you can only milk or water.

In Russia the dough for pancakes often not prepared from wheat and buckwheat flour, adding just a little bit first, so Russian pancakes is, first of all, buckwheat pancakes, which, in addition, necessarily prepared by leaps and bounds.

Russian pancakes (buckwheat yeast)

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

We will need: 500 ml of boiling water, 300 ml of warm water, 250 buckwheat flour, 60 g of wheat flour, 3 g of dry yeast, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. salt.

How to make yeast pancakes: mix two kinds of flour, pour in the boiling water, quickly stir - should be formed thick lump of dough, allow it to cool. Warm water dissolve the yeast, then pour the mixture into the dough, add sugar and salt, beat well the dough is the consistency it should be thicker than classic pancakes. Next, the dough should rise and bake pancakes. If buckwheat flour You have, then cook these pancakes can only wheat flour. It is believed that yeast pancakes, mixed with milk is the most delicious, if knead the dough for pancakes water, pancake will be very lush.

When using the dough for cooking pancakes is important to wait, when it will Dobrolet", otherwise the pancakes will be dense and tasteless, so not every housewife cooking yeast pancakes is a simple affair. That is why today is a very popular pancakes on sour milk and pancakes on kefir, which are more simple, but no less tasty similar to pancakes on the yeast.

Pancakes on sour milk or kefir

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

We will need: 800 ml buttermilk (or sour milk), 500 g of flour, 150 g butter, 50 g sugar, 50 g of vegetable oil, 7 g of salt, 5 eggs.

Mix the flour with the melted butter (butter) and egg yolks (pre-RUB them with salt and sugar). Gradually pour in this mixture and the buttermilk, or sour milk, stirring the mass until a uniform consistency to knead, to enter the egg whites, mix the dough. Bake the pancakes on both sides in a hot pan.

If, when preparing pancakes on kefir or sour milk, You can also use baking soda, add it in advance, paying it in a separate bowl, and before adding the flour. Soda usually use a little and extinguish its mixed with water, citric acid, or vinegar (? tsp. soda 2-3 drops of vinegar). In General, the question of adding soda in pancakes is considered to be controversial. As the old Russian pancakes always baked yeast, add soda (which replaces the yeast and works as baking powder) is considered a borrowing from the West. Today cook pancakes or yeast or soda. Add soda can be avoided by using more eggs.

The most popular pancakes today, along with the classic - it's very thin, so-called delicate pancakes, egg pancakes, pancakes on the cheese and stuffed.

Recipe thin delicate milk pancakes

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

We will need: 10 tbsp (with slides) of wheat flour, 6 eggs, 3 cups milk, 3 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. of vegetable oil.

Separate whites and yolks, RUB the yolks with the sugar until light lightening weight. Sift the egg yolks with the flour, add the oil, then lightly stir and gradually reception 3-4 pour the milk with careful stirring. To lush foam beat the whites, add them to the dough, mix gently, to start baking pancakes.

Recipe egg pancakes

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

We will need: 3 eggs, vegetable oil, salt.

Eggs need to be broken up in a bowl, salt, how to beat. Roast pan, grease with butter, pour a thin layer of egg mass also serves as regular pancakes. Such egg pancakes are typically used as the basis and served with toppings, or part of a salad.

Pancakes on the cheese

picture - Bake pancakes - pancake recipes and cooking secrets of the famous dishes

We will need: 200 g of cottage cheese, 30 g butter, melted, 2 eggs, 1 Cup flour, 1.5 cups milk, 3 tbsp. sugar ? tsp. soda (slaked), 1 pinch of salt.

Beat the eggs with the melted butter, sugar and salt, add grated cheese, whisk again, pour in the milk, stir in the flour, add the baking soda, whisk again lumps should not be. For half an hour to postpone the dough, then bake pancakes in the usual way on a hot pan. Flip the pancakes with cottage cheese, you must use a wide blades, because they are very delicate, if the dough is too thick, dilute it with warm water.

To give the basic recipe stuffed pancakes is very difficult, because in order to cook them, you just need to bake the pancakes on a favorite recipe and put them stuffing, variants of which can be mass (fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, condensed milk, eggs, fish, chocolate, cheese, meat, honey, eggs and other). To minimize stuffed pancakes can envelopes, tubes, and triangles.

There are plenty of other recipes for pancakes, which are today very much. Usually, having tried different ways of making pancakes, every woman stops at a couple favorite, adjusting the recipe for the preferences of the family - someone who likes to add more sugar, someone uses a soda, some didn't, and so on, the main thing - to know about the main secrets of making pancakes, so they are always successful. Try and be sure to invent the most delicious for Your family pancakes!

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