Homemade cookies "kurabie"

→ Homemade cookies "kurabie"

picture - Homemade cookies "kurabie"

Much of what we buy in stores, you can cook at home. This is especially significant when it comes to products, the taste of which has now become "not so as a child," or as in Soviet times. One such product is a cookie kurabie - it will be able to cook at home any hostess, and you get it much tastier than the store.

Where did we come this wonderful sweetness - not known for sure. For the right of authorship in its invention argue Iran, Turkey, Syria and Greece. If delve into the etymology of the word "kurabie", then it will be the closest to the Arabic word "hurab" means "sweetness". By the way, in the Crimea, this cookie is called "hurabie."

Whatever it is called a cookie, and whoever came up with it initially, the most important topic when it comes to kurabie remains its great taste. Properly cooked kurabie melts in your mouth and leaves behind a pleasant creamy aftertaste. Unfortunately, finding just such cookies today can not in every store. There are many similar options, but, as many believe, it is "not at all". So let's understand how to make cookies that - whose taste I remember from my childhood and causes the most positive emotions.

Accurate and correct name of "cookies from childhood" - a "kurabie Baku", and even cooking it is regulated by GOST. Also in the VISITOR give a precise definition: kurabie Baku - it is the type of shortbread having dark yellow and made their brush, sticks or flower decorated in the center of jam.

So, prepare the most delicious kurabie GOST.

Recipe for making cookies kurabie at home

picture - Homemade cookies "kurabie"

You will need: 550 g of wheat flour, 350 grams of butter / margarine, 150 g of powdered sugar, 30 grams of sugar and apple / apricot puree to finish (you can use any ready-made marmalade or jam to taste) 1 egg white from a large or 2 protein from small eggs.

How to cook kurabie home. Advance from the refrigerator eggs and margarine that they have acquired at room temperature. Softening oil to mix with powdered sugar - the amount of weight to be increased.

What about the use of technology all have different opinions: some believe that the mixer can be used, the other - that the shortbread dough is better to do manually. So do his own way - as you wish.

Add cream and sugar protein mass, mass whip until smooth, gradually add the flour in parts, vymeshivaya dough each time until smooth (flour may take a little less or a little more of this provision - the dough should be soft, not overloaded with flour). The finished dough is necessary to put in a pastry bag (with a serrated tip to get cookies shopping form). If such a bag you do not, you can do this: Divide the dough into equal parts, each roll into a ball, then flatten these balls in the cake and make them with a spoon or other cutlery "petals", pressing the dough edge of a spoon. Spread or be deposited dough need to lightly greased baking paper or the laid baking. After depositing cookies in the center of each flower to put on a bit of jam. Bake homemade kurabie need in a preheated 200-230 degree oven for 10-20 minutes. During baking will take place after 10 minutes from the oven is better not to leave - watch biscuits that it is not burnt.

To keep in shape ready kurabie not broken, after baking it needs to cool on the baking sheet.

Cooked this recipe kurabie will have exactly the much-loved since childhood taste. And the taste can be supplemented by something that you really like, for example, the dough can add nuts or decorate cookies do not jam and nuts. Before serving, these cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, coconut chips, Pastry Topping or other additives to taste. Also in the cookies, you can add vanilla or vanilla sugar.

It is interesting that in other countries recipes kurabie different from the usual for us the fact that the dough added various spices - cloves, cinnamon, lemon peel, honey, cardamom, etc. If you want to cook with more kurabie oriental flavors, make it possible for this recipe.

Recipe eastern kurabie with spices

picture - Homemade cookies "kurabie"

You will need: 500 g of flour, 250 grams of butter, 200 g of powdered sugar, 50 grams of honey, 8 buds cloves, cardamom 3, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar, 2/3 cup milk, 1 tsp ground lemon peel.

How to cook kurabie in the east. Softened butter, grind it in foam-like substance, mix with ground spices, lemon zest, honey and powdered sugar, again all grind to become a homogeneous mass, pour the milk, stir until smooth, whip and knead the dough, gradually adding flour. Give the dough stand for 10-15 minutes in the cold, then roll out a layer of 1 cm thickness, using a glass to cut out the cookies, put it on dry or the laid parchment baking sheet and bake in a well-heated oven for 3-5 minutes at a moderate temperature. Heat cooks east kurabie sprinkle with powdered sugar mixed with vanilla or vanilla sugar.

There are many other recipes kurabie, but we will not give them, because any one of them has a slight deviation from the classic recipe kurabie - knowing it, you can add your favorite classic recipe of spices and additives to taste. Enjoy your tea!

Recipe of the categories: