
→ Macaroon

picture - Macaroon

Remember the old song? "I love pasta, love for them a flaming unearthly". Of course, it is absolutely about other pasta, but this phrase today is no less important than it was when the song was a hit. New fashionable divine, perfect in its taste and design delicacy called macaroon, or pasta.

Italian "macarone" - The finest pasta. This bakery is known since the Renaissance, and the world has gained popularity recently. Before the start of the World macaroon hype, cakes were the hallmark network Parisian pastry Laduree, where they are packaged in boxes of pastel colors.

The structure consists of macaroon proteins, sugar and almonds. Halves are held together by different layers of jam to chocolate. Bright, appetizing color is obtained by food dyes. Today cakes for dessert lost reputation and aristocratic snobs and sold even at McDonalds. And that we did not upset.

However, you can go even further - to create small masterpieces in your own kitchen. This is the real magic! Especially because they are easy to prepare, but in no case can not be a half-step retreat from technology.

Do not take a bad recipe for crushed almonds in a coffee grinder! Only dry powder! If you take liquid food coloring, add them at the end, before forming a macaroon.

Cooking recipe macaroon

picture - Macaroon

50 macaroon we need:

  • 1.5-2 cups water
  • Sugar 250 g
  • 250 g almond powder
  • 6 egg whites
  • 250 g of powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp cocoa

First, prepare the syrup. Pour the sugar into the water and put on the stove over medium heat, stirring frequently. The syrup should be yellowish, viscous. Turns out, mix well, finally evaporating water. Syrup cools to 80 � C, it is necessary to not curled proteins.

Do not know how to check the temperature and consistency? Take the funnel for wine or drip tray, dip the end in syrup, Blow in the widest part. It turns out the bubble? The syrup is ready.

Now, beat whites. Three not cold protein (pull their refrigerator for half an hour before whipping), beat until soft peaks form. This means that there are peaks and then falls. Add sugar syrup, continuing to whisk.

There is an option a little more complicated: add the beaten egg whites into syrup, heat, stirring in a water bath until until finger descended into the mixture does not become hot.

But we are not looking for complex ways and make the first method. Beat a long time, so even a bowl of warmed - until the mixture becomes very steep and tight.

Thoroughly mix the almond and icing sugar, and then another, and sieved, added to a mixture of intact protein and three cocoa mix.

Now combine the two mixtures. The one with the powder, to intervene in the meringue, do not mix. Mix slowly, but intense, from the bottom up. Then, top to bottom, as if smeared mixture. The mixer is not needed, otherwise spoil consistency. Proteins fall off, as it should be. Otherwise, it will not turn crispy crust smooth covering vyazkovatuyu midway.
Ideal happens if future macaroon subside with a spoon and a little stretch.

Begin to form a macaroon. Put the dough into a pastry bag and squeezing the same small portions on the laid paper baking pan. Configure macaroon side, because when forming the top of the top of the left tail. Squeezing, stop abruptly torn off and push the dough. When finished, a little knock on the bottom of the pan, so macaroon smoothed and rounded. Leave to rest 10-40 minutes. Let dry out and will no longer stick to the touch.

Bake at 160 C in 8 minutes. Do not open the oven while baking. When macaroon take out, let them cool down. Then easily peel off the paper.

Now put the stuffing. Put about half a spoon on one half, and attach the other little twist, pressing. Take macaroon on the sides, do not press the top, so as not cracked.

Praline filling

250 g of 35% fat cream
125 g dark chocolate
125 g of milk chocolate

Slightly heat the cream, add the chocolate. Stir until thick smooth. Cool.

Videoretsept macaroon

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