Rhubarb pie

→ Rhubarb pie

picture - Rhubarb pie

Rhubarb (rabarbar) - a wonderful vegetable, he seemed to have come to us from stories about the tops and roots. But we will not challenge the merits of its individual components, in cooking and medicine have been used all parts of rhubarb. The leaves are used as spices, roots - for the manufacture of medicaments. But most often used in food stems of the plant.

Juicy, refreshing cuttings put in vegetable salads, soups, borscht. Vegetables available all year round, is prepared jelly, jelly, marmalade, cook compotes and jams. Cuttings rhubarb - a great filling for sweet pies. Baking from rabarbara turns unusually delicious. Pies with him can bake puff, yeast, from sand. With apples, strawberries with cream cheese. Hearty, sweet and sour, fragrant, "as my grandmother."

Rhubarb 90% water, the remaining 10% - carbohydrates, fats, proteins, ash and dietary fibers. In addition, in nature there are more than 20 species of herbaceous plants of the family Polygonaceae. It would be strange not to try to use at least one species of rhubarb in your food. And the Chinese started. Over 3000 years before Christ. But the king cakes rabarbar did the British. Once they got tired of the Chinese pay for the shipping of this multipurpose plant, and they decided to break their beds. The fates decreed, in Central Asia they slipped a sweet kind, so the British could do nothing but begin to improve with each piece of vegetable baking recipes. And they were right.

We offer to your taste one of the most advanced recipes rhubarb pie.

Tip: The bottom layer of dough, which keeps the filling of rhubarb can sprinkle semolina. Rhubarb is very juicy and semolina will keep the juice.

Rhubarb pie

picture - Rhubarb pie

Rhubarb - 750 g (about 4 large root)
Sour cream - 200 g
Margarine for baking - 200 g
Flour - 2 cups
some flour to choose? we'll show

Sugar - 350 g
Munk - 2 tbsp. spoons
Baking powder - 1 packet or 1 teaspoon baking soda, vinegar extinguished
Eggs - 2 pieces

Rhubarb Wash, peel and cut into slices.
In a water bath to melt the margarine, add the sour cream, 200 grams of sugar, 1 egg, baking powder and 1 cup flour. Knead the dough. The remaining flour should be added gradually. The dough should be soft, well keep up the walls of the cookware. Cover the baking parchment and grease. Share on him half the dough. Smoothed his hands and make bumpers. Sprinkle the dough semolina. Put the rhubarb and sprinkle with remaining sugar it. The second piece of dough on parchment or foil smoothed his hands over the largest pan, cover the pan and carefully remove the foil. All correct and smooth, brush with beaten egg. Put the pie in a preheated 180 degree oven for 45-50 minutes. Cake should be well redden. Post a rhubarb pie to cool and then you can cut slices.
Bon Appetite!

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