Can I wear a pregnant high-heeled shoes?

→ Can I wear a pregnant high-heeled shoes?

picture - Can I wear a pregnant high-heeled shoes?High heels make women walk light and feminine posture looks more smooth, visually legs look longer and slimmer. If a woman is pregnant, the pins from her best to take time off. Otherwise, it may be caused irreparable harm not only the future mother but also the baby.

The most famous lover of shoes with high heels Victoria Beckham seeks always to be on top - even during pregnancy. For some it causes an uproar. And here's why.

During pregnancy, there is a change in posture women increases the load on the lower back. High heels even more distorted posture goes load on ligaments and tendons, softened due to hormonal changes, as well as on the anterior abdominal wall.

picture - Can I wear a pregnant high-heeled shoes?As a result, there are not only pain and malaise, swelling and leg cramps, but also the risk of malposition - breech or transverse, which is fraught with caesarean section. Strong tension leg muscles, increasing the load on the spine and hip joints can improve muscle tone of the uterus, threatening miscarriage.

Due to circulatory disorders appears varicose veins. Some specialists in the prevention of varicose veins is recommended from the first weeks of pregnancy to wear compression stockings. Another trouble - stretching and weakening the strong abdominal muscles (stomach sagging).

picture - Can I wear a pregnant high-heeled shoes?Studs subjected to a woman's life danger - it can stumble and corny, like a bad option, to lose a child. In addition, gait Heels characterized penchant for sudden jolts that are unlikely to enjoy your baby.

In the first trimester, two or three hours you can still show off in high heel shoes. Better if it will be with a wide toe and buckle or tie strings around the ankles.

Do not forget about contrast shower for the feet and a small gym (drawing letters in the air, riding the middle of the bottle bottles, picking up small items toes).

The best shoes during pregnancy - is a shoe sole with a sustainable optimum heel height of 3-4 cm. Very flat sole leads to flattening and expansion of the foot, to the development of flatfoot.

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