Smoking and breastfeeding

→ Smoking and breastfeeding

picture - Smoking and breastfeedingSmoking while breastfeeding definitely not. The more cigarettes a mother smokes, the greater the risk to her health and the health of the child - regardless of feeding it to her breast, or the child is on artificial feeding.

Smoking can lead to a reduction in the amount of produced milk. In addition, maternal Smoking is a prerequisite to early weaning. Smoking mothers have higher rates of metabolism and can be thinner than non-smokers. To have enough energy reserves for lactation, the mother needs to eat more.

Parental Smoking is directly associated with the incidence of pneumonia, bronchitis, and frequency syndrome sudden infant deaths (SIDS) within the first year of life babies. It is secondhand smoke causes SIDS. Maternal Smoking can also cause the infant nausea, vomiting, colic and diarrhea.

&&171;Real mothers spare neither strength nor health, and sometimes life, for health and happy future for their children. And there's some sort of cigarette. Is it really such a big sacrifice, so that the child normally grown and developed?&&187; - posted one young mother at a parent forum. And we fully agree with it.

But the recommendations for Smoking moms who know that it is bad for a child, but still continue to smoke. Smoking reduces the production of milk so: from 21 hours to 9 am strictly no Smoking. To smoke after feeding, when do you have a 2 hour break. Not to smoke more than 5 cigarettes a day. Fully fed and more likely to drink pure water.

...And continue to feed the child, because the body is completely cleared area only after 3 years of ties, and partly in six months. During feeding the child abruptly quit Smoking is not worth it, because you may notice that milk is a very large stress to the body.

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