How to acquaint the child with adult food?

→ How to acquaint the child with adult food?

picture - How to acquaint the child with adult food?When the baby turns six months, his body is no longer enough mother's milk or adapted mixtures - he needs new vitamins, new products. There are kids who are already in 3 months extend your diet, there are those who eat up to a year exclusively mother's milk, but we're not going to extremes and will tell you about how best to introduce a new food.

Every mother sooner or later faces the choice of product from which to start complementary feeding. Someone starts with fruit juice, then fruit puree, curd, vegetable purees, meat, eggs, fish.

picture - How to acquaint the child with adult food?Children will gladly drink a delicious and sweet fruit juice, then will try the same sweet mashed potatoes, and then... enough fresh vegetable puree may not like it. What to do: salt? to postpone attempts for a month? to make to eat? You can, but why, if there is a more rational option?
In the beginning it is worth noting that the introduction of complementary feeding mom need to prepare. The house must be at least a blender and steamer, because all the food initially, you need to grind, and cook better than her for a couple - so Your baby will get more vitamins. Should I buy pre mixed train food or to cook all the mother has to decide for herself.

picture - How to acquaint the child with adult food?To start complementary foods should be made with vegetable puree - new food will love the baby. Vegetables for him are seasonal, but not red, because they can cause allergies. Ideal for first weaning suit: zucchini, cauliflower, yellow tavern, potatoes. The puree should be a single component, to salt it is not necessary (salt generally children up to years of Smoking). Start feeding with one teaspoon, and during the day, look at the reaction of the baby. If all goes well, gradually increase the amount and introduce new products.

After vegetables is the turn of fruit (again, not red), most often start with an Apple or banana. Then the usual cheese, juice, cereals (buckwheat or wheat), cheese, egg yolk (quail or chicken), dairy products, meat (rabbit, chicken or beef). Year already can offer lean fish (Pollock, hake), weak tea, and a half years - pasta.

So gradually the child and get acquainted with what is the moms and dads in the plates, and to three years it will be possible to prepare one dish for the whole family.

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