Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

→ Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

I do not know at whom as, and we in the South now +35 and the heat is not something that I do not know what to drink, and don't even know how and where to sit, so it was cooler. In this regard, and has come to mind to make a drink that not only was well refreshed and drank, and and benefit to the body bore. About drink ginger-lemon know all of the girls who had experienced at least once in life to lose weight. Well, who does not know, happy to share the recipe! The benefits of such a "compote" clear: ginger lowers cholesterol, increases blood pressure, improves digestion. Lemon is famous for the large number of b vitamins With, well, mint or lemon balm itself is delicious, aromatic and sedative properties.


  • 4-5 liters water
  • 1 lemon
  • piece ginger root
  • half bunch of mint
  • cinnamon stick
  • the star anise
  • 5-6 gvozdic
  • 2 tbsp. green tea

Method of preparation:

Preparing everything is simple and easy. Filtered purified water is sent to the fire, waiting for boiling. Lemon cut into slices.

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

Ginger root three on a small grater.

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

Mint (I Melissa dried) and green tea prepared. As soon as the water boils, put back all previously prepared ingredients.

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

Drink give a little to boil, turn off the gas, put the cinnamon, cloves and anise.

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

Cover the pot, allow to infuse until cool. You can pour the drink in the bottle and can be stored in a saucepan with all the ingredients. This is a bit tangy. For those who want to lose weight, I recommend to increase the dose of ginger, but you have to be careful, so as lemon and ginger products are quite allergenic.
The drink retains all its useful properties up to three days.

picture - Drink ginger-lemon for weight loss

Recipe of the categories: