Fruit bouquet on March 8

→ Fruit bouquet on March 8

picture - Fruit bouquet on March 8Bouquet of fruits, which is very easy to do, will be a wonderful gift and a delicious treat for a woman or child! Note that it must be eaten in the next day after cooking since sliced fruit for a long time is not stored.

For the bouquet, you can use any fruits and berries (specified in the recipe pineapple, strawberries, melon and grapes). You will need herbs, e.g. parsley - to hide the wooden skewers. Alternatively berries can be dipped in melted chocolate.

You will also need wooden skewers, cookie cutter (optional), scissors, a knife and a beautiful container for the composition. Skewers will need to strengthen capacity using clay, foam or salt dough.

Cut the pineapple slices with thickness of 1-1,5 see If you have a special cookie cutters, one of these circles can be cut out flowers, stars or hearts. However, you can do it with a regular knife. The center of the flower manufacture of melon or simply take a berry.

Flower with heart nahcolite on skewers. On the other skewers put strawberries (one berry at the edge) and grapes (a few berries one by one).

In the vessel to accommodate fruit flowers put a small piece of salt dough or clay. The dough is very simple - flour, salt, water and a little vegetable oil, all well mixed to plastilinovye consistency. If you have a transparent glass container before you put it in her batter, put a nice cloth to hide unsightly test.

It remains only to build a fruity bouquet of your choice and decorate it with greenery to hide the wooden skewers. Experiment with different length of the skewers and various angles of inclination, use melted chocolate for dipping berries, and all that will come to your mind. The bouquet is ready!

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picture - Fruit bouquet on March 8

picture - Fruit bouquet on March 8

picture - Fruit bouquet on March 8

picture - Fruit bouquet on March 8

Recipe of the categories: