If your child has dysgraphia

→ If your child has dysgraphia

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaOften repeated, sometimes absurd, inexplicable errors in the letter of the child indicate dysgraphia - difficulty in mastering the letter. These children are not always good teachers, their houses scold and punish the parents in the class tease peers.

Often the child has dysgraphia is observed simultaneously with dyslexia (difficulty mastering reading), but sometimes these disorders can occur in isolation. If this error is not related to the violation of the intellectual development of the child.

There are from 5% to 15% of people with dyslexia and dysgraphia. Many great people have suffered from this disease - Winston Churchill, albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Hans Christian Andersen, Vladimir Mayakovsky. Among Hollywood celebrities also a lot of dyslexicon, for example, Tom cruise.

The main forms of dysgraphia

There are several forms of dysgraphia. When phonemic (acoustic) dysgraphia children find it difficult to hear the sound structure of words. On the letter it is manifested in the replacement of the letters phonetically close sounds. The child writes what he said and what he heard. For example, the phrase "Mishina machine" sounds like "mouse machine" or as "extra car". If your child will be five years has not disappeared, sound replacement, immediately seek the help of a specialist.

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaOptical (visual) form of dysgraphia due to the instability of visual representations. Mix together and used interchangeably similar in pattern letters (C-e, R-S), letters, different additional elements (L-D, C-In), letter, consisting of identical but differently located in the space of the elements (N-P-I, T-G). Children who find it difficult to remember the letter visually, you can flip it, skip, add an extra hook or write on the mirror.

Grammaticeskaja dysgraphia is associated with the violation of the grammatical structure of speech ("ran out of wood", "girl has gone", "weekend day").

If dysorthographia the child does not have "flair" on orogramme. On the page it can prevent from 15 to 60 errors. The child knows the rules, and apply them cannot.

Causes of dysgraphia

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaOne of the most frequent causes of dysgraphia in children is impaired function of the brain arising in the process of pathological pregnancy mothers, childbirth, or complications that have developed in the first days of life of the newborn.

Specific errors in writing at school - the result of violation of speaking preschoolers. Teach your child to talk, his speech should be grammatically correct feature, it should have a good vocabulary, well-formed, sound pronunciation.

In addition, unformed in the period leading role of one of the hemispheres of the brain may cause difficulties in the development of written speech.

What to do?

To eliminate dysgraphia must begin not in school, when you find specific errors in writing, and in pre-school age. Dysgraphia much easier to prevent than to fix.

If your child has dysgraphia, no need to panic, cursing and screaming. Calmly sit down with a specialist speech therapist and understand the nature of errors. There is no General Council, any correctional program to choose for a child.

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaExercise with your child speaking: this will help games and exercises on sound analysis of words. Help him to split a large homework on several small to do them slowly, with pauses, pauses for rest.

Encourage younger pupils to compare your latest achievements with their own success in a week, a month before the event. But don't compare him with his peers!

Make more for child classes, developing fine motor skills and encourages working different parts of the brain: drawing, modeling, publication patterns of mosaics. Watch your speech, let it be expressive and competent.

What I should not do?

Do not force your child to read and write from morning to evening, no matter how bad it did. It is not necessary to bring students to read large texts and writing are great dictations. Given a teacher the book is better read aloud or buy a CD.

In any case, one cannot blame the child or be upset if it something goes wrong, to show him his irritation. Excessive praise and rapidly to Express my joy is not worth. Better a harmonious state of calm and confidence in success.

Do not give the child a check on the reading speed and any public inspections at all. Do yourself and ask the teacher not to do it.

Do not try to fix everything at once. Focusing on one task, reduce demands on other parameters. For example, achieving error-free writing, do not pay attention to sloppy handwriting. Patience and courage!

Tricky questions

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaIf your child is five or six years, ask him "tricky questions" and listen to the answers, paying attention to word endings:

- Table one, and if their lot is... (tables)? Chair one, and if their lot is... (chairs)? It is the same with the words ear, wood, box, etc.

- In the woods a lot? (Trees, mushrooms, berries, animals, birds and so on)

- Who needs horns and hooves? (Bulls, elk, deer.) Who needs the trunks? (Elephants.) The needle? (Hedgehogs, porcupines.) Fluffy tail? (Foxes.)

- Than protected urchins (needles), moose (horns)?

- Animals care for their young. Whom cares hedgehog? (Iath.) Cat? (About kittens.) The dog? (About the puppies.)

- The hare had a snout - the hare and the Fox (the Fox), the wolf, the hedgehog?

- Boots made of rubber, rubber, and wool socks what? (Wool.) Bag leather, pencil, wood, glass from glass?

- The bread is put in the bread, and sugar (sugar), butter (grease gun)? Salt pour? (In the salt shaker.)

If the child is often wrong, he needs professional help.

Required skills

picture - If your child has dysgraphiaPreschooler, not to "get sick" optical dysgraphia in school, should be able to:

- To name parts of their body, of another's body (right arm, left leg).

- To determine the location of the object relative to itself and the other person: "Doll ahead of me" (left/right, far/close to me).

- To perform actions on objects in the instructions: "Put the pyramid on the right of the cube, put the ball between the pyramid and the cube"; verbalicious them ("I put/and the pyramid to the right of ...").

- Put the sequence: to build a "track", "towers" and other things, details of the design, then to say what he did.

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