How to harvest spinach for the winter

→ How to harvest spinach for the winter

picture - How to harvest spinach for the winter

Spinach - one of the most useful products in the world among all the creatures of his doctors recommend eating anyone who wants to prolong youthfulness and improve health. But if in the harvest season of this greenery no difficulty regular consumption of spinach is not, what to do in the rest of the year? For information on how to prepare for the winter spinach, read this article.

Spinach - a plant in Russia, though not too popular, but has earned the love of all lovers of greenery. Tasty and healthy, it is perfectly manifests itself in the first and second courses, as well as snacks. However, if you find a summer fresh spinach in the vegetable markets are not so difficult in the winter it can be seen only in some stores, and only frozen. Unfortunately, the situation is such that the frozen food does not always properly stored - in the end we get instead use "dummy", giving money for them in vain hoping for the healing properties of these products. Therefore, for all those who love spinach and wants to be present in the diet, not only in July and August, the pressing question of harvesting this vegetable for the winter.

In spinach contains a lot of nutrients: vitamins C, E, K, trace elements such as iodine, manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, and others. With this composition spinach is considered one of the most effective products in terms of fighting with cancer and aging. It also establishes the work of the reproductive, immune system, improves brain function.

Harvesting of the winter spinach: canning, salting, freezing

picture - How to harvest spinach for the winter

Options as possible to prepare for the winter spinach, fortunately, a lot. Each of the methods that will be shown below, allows you to keep all the benefits of this wonderful product, so the strict observance of all the recommendations you can at any time of the year they enjoy not only tasteful, but also with real benefits for the body.

Very simple and quick option blank spinach - salting.

Recipe salty spinach

Need: 5 kg 0.5 cups of spinach salt.

How to pickle spinach for the winter. Remove spinach stalks, leaving only the leaves, wash and dry them, spread out on the banks, sprinkling with salt, set top yoke and give leaves time to settle down, then you can report to the fresh leaves, salt and peppered them - thus completely fill the jar. Keep in refrigerator preform.

Before the use of salty spinach washed, cut and put in a dish just before they are ready.

You can prepare a spinach puree.

Recipe harvesting spinach pureed

picture - How to harvest spinach for the winter

Need: spinach, soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 3l of water.

How to prepare creamed spinach. The washed spinach in salted boiling water to boil with salt until soft, discard in a colander, rinse with cold water, then gently pat dry and rub or grind blender. Mashed put in a saucepan, stirring constantly, boil to a consistency to mash was kept on a spoon, do not stack. Allow to cool, puree and place it in sterilized jars. Close banks sterile caps and storing it in a cool dry place.

Baking soda helps to preserve color spinach.

Up to 6 months following the workpiece is saved from spinach.

Recipe of the workpiece blanched spinach

Need: spinach.

How to prepare spinach. The washed spinach leaves cut across the width of 3-4cm lengths, dipped in boiling water (it should completely cover the leaves) and 1-1,5min blanch, remove with a slotted spoon, dry leaves and place in a container for freezing. Remove spinach on the first 1-2h in the cold, then in the freezer for storage.

The remainder of blanching the leaves decoction can be used for cooking green soup.

Harvest spinach necessary until the bushes flower arrows, the best time - July-August, during this period the plant's leaves most fleshy and juicy. In addition to these methods, harvesting spinach in the winter you can use a simple circuit frost green: wash, dry leaves, put in a bag, evacuated and put into the freezer.

Take care of your health - choose the best products and harvested them in the winter to eat tasty and healthy all year round!

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