Any pasta will cheer you up?

→ Any pasta will cheer you up?

picture - Any pasta will cheer you up?If you believe the stories, the pasta came to us from Venice or Sicily. On one of the local dialects, the word "pasta" meant "hollowed out". After some time, it formed the basis of the names of all products pasta type, although each of them has its own name.

In our country the pasta are ambiguous. Many people love them, others fear. They say that the pasta quickly recover. But how then to be with inimitable Sophia Loren, it's her favorite dish?

The thing is that are useful only real pasta made from flour of durum wheat. In some countries, such as Italy, France and Greece, where the noodles are popular, there are even special laws that prohibit manufacturers for these purposes to use flour soft wheat varieties.

Meanwhile, in the world today mainly grown soft wheat varieties. Hard carry only 5%. Not to be mistaken with a choice of pasta, before buying you need to carefully examine the packaging. If the manufacturer has not forgotten to do this on the stack designation "group a, class 1" or "durum wheat", so this pasta is what you need. Otherwise, leave them on the counter, of course, if you don't care about what you eat.

Followed this same bundle a good twirl in the hands and attempt to discern the contents from all sides. Real macaroni surface should only be smooth, in any case - not rough. Quality product has a smooth Golden or cream color. See the yellow pasta? Do not try to justify the product content of egg yolks, which share the blame. If the noodles have spotted a white surface, as a rule, this suggests that the product was badly beaten. Manufacturers of quality product such shortcomings do not allow. But the presence of a small amount of black pixels is not forbidden - it is only the remains of the shells of the grains.

As advised by doctors, real pasta must be on our table at least 1-2 times a week. Again, do not worry about the shape. Calorie serving of pasta is about 250 calories, which is approximately one-tenth of the daily allowance of a person. Of course, the advice is to listen only if you do not have spare money to buy, not lazy to get acquainted with the package in advance, and remember that pasta is a standalone product that does not find common language with meatballs, fried chicken, meat, mayonnaise or high-calorie sauces.

Quality pasta is an easy and nutritious product. The pasta contains fiber, b vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. And yet they are able to relieve stress and to be a source of good mood and good health. Don't believe? Then it's time to get acquainted with lively Italians who know a lot about pasta...

Solar your mood, inexhaustible energy and good spirits! Yes, I forgot, for a start - Bon appetit... by the Way, to properly cook pasta: 100 g of pasta you will need 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt. Put them only in the boiling water and cook on a gentle heat, without closing the lid. When naduzywany pasta should have some rigidity - this suggests that they are not digested and the nutrients are left in place...

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