New year for children without tears

→ New year for children without tears

picture - New year for children without tearsThe new Year is not just a family holiday, repeating with enviable periodicity and they really know how to empty the pockets. New year is a time of miracles, and if even adults look forward to it, albeit in Santa Claus does not believe, and intuitively one would expect a regular socks as a gift, it means that from childhood they made light image of a traditional winter holiday.

The number one issue for any family with children, this is the preparation of special dishes. Usually they are a complete culinary chaos that almost on one plate side by side sausage, sprats, salad with sour cream, meat with mayonnaise and other pleasures of life. Not to say that such a diet will have a positive impact on the wellbeing of a child. At the same time not to give him something to take from the table - gesture unworthy.

What to do in order not to spoil the children Christmas feast? First of all, you need to decide, do you celebrate the New Year with family, or with friends. If the family that night was in the first place, you can enjoy entertaining cooking. As parents you know what dishes loves their child, and the visual aspect of the process is completely transformed not only their knowledge, but also in the conduct of actual children. picture - New year for children without tearsIn his time in many shows were tips about creating a sort of table with features gaming space consisting of fruits and vegetables were made different figures (the most memorable - crocodile from cucumber, painfully fruit with similar animals) that make up part of any dish laid out in the form of some patterns and pictures.

Parents, of course, consulted to refrain from really bad for child health foods, and heavy alcohol. In the end, it's not so difficult. There is, however, one purely psychological loophole that many parents use with enviable regularity: on the table are similar products. It's like with a child with champagne, appearance, and name similar to the original "adult", and inside the soda.

On the other hand, to deceive the child to be surprisingly difficult. He may confound the simple desire to "want to eat from this bowl". And how do you not persuade, but to hurt him to bring the waiver will be extremely simple. That is why many modern families love or relax on New Year away from home, or in the company of other families with children.

picture - New year for children without tearsThe second option should be considered separately. A large number of children allows you to do a little trick: to arrange two tables. So to speak, to enter the home version of age discrimination. Importantly, to the children's table was "realistic", then the younger generation will not show their natural curiosity. Plus, the kids are busy with each other, so to stick to adult will not. In this case, however, there is a small minus. Instead of the mentioned problems can be another problem, as adults, alas, have the talent to go deep in conversation, which cease to follow the children.

In any case, the main thing to remember: parents can go to elementary concessions and to refuse especially dangerous for baby food, but not to forbid him to eat something. Then this holiday will be one of the favorite days of the year at the future of the father or mother of your grandchildren.

Recipe of the categories: