From the nutrition of children under 3 years depends on their level of IQ in the future

→ From the nutrition of children under 3 years depends on their level of IQ in the future

picture - From the nutrition of children under 3 years depends on their level of IQ in the futureScientists at Bristol University have proven that babies who were fed semi-finished products, as well as unhealthy foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar, had a lower IQ than those whose diet consisted of pasta, salads and fruits.

A good diet is of great importance in the early stages, as the brain grows and develops most rapidly in the first three years of life, the researchers note.

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Scientists have studied the health of approximately 14 thousand children born in 1991 and 1992, and interviewed their parents to find out what food and drinks to their children ate at the age of 3, 4, 7 and 8.5 years. The level of intelligence of the children was measured using a special test.

The results showed that the use of semi-finished products at the age of 3 years has led to a lowering of the level of intelligence in children, when they reached 8.5 years. And a healthy diet was associated with a high level of development of children at the age of 8.5 years. Diet model in aged 4 to 8 years had no impact on the level of IQ.

The child nutrition in 2-3 years

Dr. Kate Dotson says: &&171;Conducted the experiment suggests that any cognitive and behavioral factors associated with nutrition in early childhood will persist in the future, regardless of any subsequent changes, including improvements in the diet&&187;.

Fruits in the diet of the child from one year to 1.5 years

The diet of the child from 1 to 1.5 years

The results were published in the journal &&171;Epidemiology and public health&&187;.

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