Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

→ Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

picture - Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

Suluguni cheese - tasty, healthy and versatile enough product to make it a lot of different dishes. In this article we will talk about the culinary properties, application and dishes from this product.

Suluguni cheese is part of the national Georgian cuisine, one of the most revered in Georgia products. In 2011, the country even his patented " now the Georgian people officially has the copyright for the invention of this product. Love Suluguni in Georgia perfectly illustrates the fact that in the popular Georgian folklore, it is believed that the name of this cheese stands thus: "Suli" soul, "ghouls" - the heart is the heart and soul of the Georgian people, a huge part of its rich history, culture and culinary traditions. However, I love this cheese and far beyond Georgia - in our country it is also quite popular, and all thanks to the unique flavor of this product.

Suluguni is solid pickled cheese prepared from Buffalo, cow or goat's milk with special technology, which is very similar to the Italian production technology of the famous cheese Provolone. He has a sharp sour taste and smell, moderate salinity. Color Suluguni, generally white, but if you got a yellow (light yellow) cheese - do not worry, this only means that it is made with an admixture or completely from Buffalo milk, and the product is considered a real delicacy, which is more expensive than other options Suluguni.

Suluguni is made without preservatives and synthetic ingredients that in our time, no doubt, very valuable. Naturally, this is a very useful natural product, containing all the best that can contain a good cheese: vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

This cheese contains vitamins a, B1, B2, PP, E, C, D, beta-carotene, organic acids, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. Calcium in the cheese so much that he advised to give preference for osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism. It is believed that particularly useful Suluguni children, weakened by illness, recovering from injuries to people and pregnant women, however, doctors recommend to eat it all without exception, but in this case we should not forget the sense of proportion, because this cheese - not diet. In 100g of chicken contains cal, and its fat content is about 40-50%.

The use of Suluguni cheese in cooking, recipes and delicious

picture - Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

Eat the chicken in a variety of forms: raw, smoked, baked, fried, so the number of meals that can be prepared, really huge. It can be used as a component of salads, fillings for cakes and pies, and other pastries, as the base for various dishes, a separate snack.

Suluguni, according to culinary experts, it is best combined with radishes, olives, cucumbers, beans, red onion. Season vegetable, meat and fish dishes with him balsamic vinegar, different sauces, sour cream, olive oil. Well relishes his mustard.

The most famous dish which is prepared with Suluguni, it is, of course, Georgian khachapuri. Well, we'll talk about other options of dishes from it, which can perfectly diversify everyday meals and festive menu at your table.

The recipe for "steaks" with cheese Suluguni

You will need: 1 slice of chicken, flour, vegetable oil.

How to cook steaks from Suluguni. Cut the circle in half, then each half in half lengthwise (to make four flat semicircle). To heat the pan with oil, breaded slices of cheese in flour, put in pan, sprinkle with flour, cover and cook 3-5 minutes, flip, again sprinkle with flour and without a lid to cook for another 3-min.

These "steaks" like very much: the outside of the cheese turns out crispy and inside is melted and very gentle, simply delicious! This dish can be served for Breakfast or lunch, as the following.

Recipe for scrambled eggs with Suluguni

picture - Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

You will need: 200g cheese Suluguni, 6-7 eggs, 50g of butter, salt.

How to cook scrambled eggs with Suluguni. Thinly slice the cheese and fry on both sides until taromenane in butter. Beat eggs, adding some salt, pour over them the cheese, put the pan in the oven and bring the eggs until cooked.

This is one of those dishes that you can say everything of genius is simple! No complicated cooking manipulation, and the result is stunningly delicious. Don't be afraid to complement the other recipe ingredients: suitable for various vegetables, including potatoes, meat products.

By the way, with meat, poultry and fish Suluguni blends beautifully, it was not possible to verify this? Be sure to try.

Recipe for baked chicken with Suluguni

You will need: 200g cheese Suluguni, 20g of melted butter, 1 chicken, 0.5 cups pomegranate sauce, parsley, salt.

How to bake chicken with Suluguni. Chicken to prepare: wash, cut the fat and other unnecessary things, RUB with salt inside and out, stuff the chicken, cut it into strips, sew up the hole. Cook in preheated oven until tender, turning occasionally and basting juice Granata mixed with melted butter. Before serving, chop the chicken into pieces.

Speaking of dishes from the chicken, of course, it is impossible not to take into account the Georgian kitchen with this cheese, in addition khachapuri, cook lots of dishes.

Recipe of cabbage soup with Suluguni in Georgian

picture - Suluguni cheese: cooking features and recipes for delicious meals

You will need: 400 g white cabbage, 250g pulp beef, 50g Suluguni, ? Cup dry white wine, 1-2 sausages, salt, nutmeg.

How to cook soup with Suluguni Georgian. Pour meat 5 cups of cold water on a slow fire to boil, continue to cook until tender, then remove it from the broth, liquid drain. Julienne cut the cabbage, heat salted water, drain, add the broth, put the grated Suluguni. Slice the meat pieces by 3-4cm, add to soup, bring to a boil. Strips cut into sausages, put in the soup, add salt, season with nutmeg and wine, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Sprinkle the soup before serving greens.

Suluguni cheese is a great way to diversify your everyday menu and cooked him meals will always delight you with its wonderful taste!

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