Salad with chicken "Ural box"

→ Salad with chicken "Ural box"

picture - Salad with chicken "Ural box"

300 g smoked chicken breast

200 g mushrooms

100 g cheese

2 potatoes

1 onions

some mayonnaise to choose? we'll show

black pepper


Potatoes baked or boiled in their skins, then peel, RUB on a large grater, add salt and pepper, to RUB the cheese.

Finely chop onions, chicken breast and mushrooms.

Put the salad on a plate layers, each accurately mayonnaise: potatoes, onions, mushrooms, chicken, cheese.

Cover the salad with cling film, put into the cold for 10 hours.

Arrange salad with chicken "Ural box" before giving herbs and mushrooms in the form of boxes.

Recipe of the categories: