Top 5 best salad dressings

→ Top 5 best salad dressings

picture - Top 5 best salad dressings

Mayonnaise is, without a doubt, the most popular salad dressing, but today refuse of more Housewives, realizing how nutritious it makes any dish. What remains is only olive oil? What salad dressing? In this article we have collected for you the top 5 most delicious salad dressings.

There are actually a great number of different salad dressings, it's just we're very used to mayonnaise and it seems to us that it is, as they say "light wedge converged". Yes - it seems that without it, my dear, any salad is not the same, but worth a try, and you will be surprised how mayonnaise is easily replaceable by other sauces.

Basically, various salad dressings are made from three ingredients: cream, natural yoghurt and vegetable oils. This base. By the way, even our favorite mayonnaise cooked it in vegetable oil is known to everyone who has ever done it yourself at home. But these three basic products, of course, is not limited simply they are the most popular. We won't go too far and lead the recipes dressings of exotic or not too common for us products, and contact the sauces that are close to us in the ingredients.

The recipe is versatile dressing for salad oil, honey and mustard

picture - Top 5 best salad dressings

You will need: 400ml unrefined vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn, or other), 100ml of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard, 1 clove of garlic, 3 tsp soy sauce, 2 tsp. salt, large, 1 tsp. of freshly ground pepper, ? teaspoon of honey.

How to prepare the versatile salad dressing oil. Combine all ingredients in a blender until smooth and whisk. If there is no blender: garlic put through a press, to combine with the other ingredients in the pot, close the lid and how to shake.

Recipe salad dressings sour cream with horseradish

picture - Top 5 best salad dressings

You will need: 2 egg yolks egg, 1 lemon and Cup sour cream 4 tbsp. horseradish, 3 tsp. of sugar, salt and herbs to taste.

How to make a salad dressing of sour cream with horseradish. Whip the cream with the yolks, add the grated horseradish, salt, sugar to taste, lemon juice and finely chopped parsley, mix all until smooth. Can be used for mixing the ingredients in a blender.

Recipe flavored oil for salads

You will need: olive oil, thyme, sage, rosemary, Bay leaf, pepper.

How to make flavored olive oil for salads. All the herbs, pepper and Laurel should be cleaned, otherwise the oil will mouldy, dry them properly. Pieces of chopped hot pepper, put in a clean jar with herbs, pour in the oil - it should completely cover the products, to insist 1month.

Herbs can be put in the Bank as a whole, not slicing - it will be easier then to use the oil, because of it does not will need to get their pieces, although it is a matter of taste.

Recipe spicy salad dressings vegetable oil

You will need: 50ml lemon juice and vegetable oil (olive or other), 2 cloves of garlic ? bunch of parsley, a 1.5-2H.l. cumin ? tsp. salt ?-1/2 tsp. ground red pepper.

How to cook spicy salad dressings. With lemon, squeeze the juice, to pass through a garlic press and mix them, add butter, pepper and cumin, add the chopped parsley, stir and allow 10 minutes to infuse.

Recipe salad dressings on the basis of yoghurt

You will need: 1 ? a Cup of natural yogurt, 2-3 tbsp lemon juice, 4 tsp sunflower oil, 1 tsp. mustard, black pepper, salt.

How to make salad dressing of yogurt. Connect all products and beat the mixture in a blender until smooth.

Salad dressings are easy and quick to prepare, especially if you have a blender, they can be very different taste. Try and eat salads without harm to the figures!

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