World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

→ World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

picture - World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

Of course, in Russian cuisine variety of delicious and interesting dishes, but sometimes you want to cook something unusual, unusual. In such situations, it is useful to refer to the cuisines of different countries and dishes that have become popular far beyond the borders of these countries. Today we will get acquainted with carpaccio - classic Italian cuisine.

Under the exotic name "carpaccio is very easy and simple dish is thinly sliced raw beef, served as a cold appetizer with any sauce. But only this is the carpaccio had only since its invention in the 1950's through just a few years - very soon appeared carpaccio not only beef, but also from other kinds of meat and fish, raw vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, fruit.

Invented carpaccio owner iconic Venetian caf "Garry's" chef Giuseppe Cipriani, who also invented the cocktail of champagne with juice, today known as the "Bellini". It has pushed for the creation of carpaccio Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo, who complained to the chef while visiting cafes that the doctor forbade her to eat cooked with cooked meat. But the name of the dish carpaccio, considered the merit of the Countess, she called dish in honor of the painter of the Renaissance Vittore Carpaccio, seeing the resemblance between the dish and paintings, filled with bright shades of red and white.

Carpaccio is not so unfamiliar Russian man dish, if you think about it, because it is very similar to the steak, which are made from meat, fish, and not only, and also served as snacks in raw form. However, between and sliced carpaccio there is a difference: the second dish is always served with any sauce, or sbrazhivaetsya before serving olive oil with vinegar or lemon juice.

Of course, not everyone will dare to eat raw meat and fish, knowing about their potential hazards (contamination by parasites), however, carpaccio and steak remain popular, they are served in many upscale restaurants. If you consider myself to be brave or just want to enjoy carpaccio and treat them to their guests, will be useful to you gathered in this article recipes carpaccio.

Recipes carpaccio

picture - World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

Today to prepare carpaccio can not only meat, but also fish, vegetables, seafood, mushrooms, Fortov, etc. For those who prefer to refrain from eating raw meat and fish, this is good news - try the carpaccio and other non-hazardous to health variations. We gathered for you a variety of recipes carpaccio, so you can enjoy this wonderful dish of Italian cuisine.

Recipe for classic beef carpaccio

You will need: 800g fresh beef fillet (tenderloin) without fat, 200g olive oil 2 lemons, 1 bunch of lettuce ? bunch parsley, spices (better - Provence herbs), ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook beef carpaccio. Rinse fresh beef fillet, Pat dry it and an hour to clean the freezer, so that it solidified. With a sharp knife to cut the meat into very thin, almost transparent long slices, put the slices in a deep dish, drizzle with oil and juice of 1 lemon, pepper, salt, sprinkle with herbs de Provence. Remove the meat for 2 hours in the refrigerator before serving decorate the second lemon, cut into random pieces, lettuce, parsley.

This is the classic recipe carpaccio in its current understanding, including the understanding of the Italians, and the first carpaccio made of Cipriani, was served with sauce "Arrigo", made with mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce, milk, lemon juice, ground pepper and salt. Classic carpaccio is made: the meat is thinly sliced, lightly bounces flat side of a meat mallet, sbrazhivaetsya olive oil and balsamic vinegar, pepper and liberally prisypaetsja Parmesan cheese - so this dish is often served in Italian restaurants.

Today carpaccio prepare, in addition to beef, chicken, fish.

Recipe chicken carpaccio

You will need: 1 chicken breast without skin, 1 lemon and limu, 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp. light rum, fresh herbs, white and pink peppercorn.

How to make a carpaccio of chicken breast. Split breast fillets, wrap with cling film and put into the freezer for 2 hours. Cut the fillets into thin translucent slices, pepper freshly ground pepper, put in a serving dish. For the sauce, mix the butter with the lime juice and ? lemon, rum, pour over the chicken pieces, leave on for 20 minutes, then garnish the dish with parsley and lemon slices.

Recipe salmon carpaccio (salmon)

picture - World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

You will need: 250g fish fillets fresh, sweet onions, arugula, salt, sauce - olive oil 100g, 30g Basil, 15g Parmesan cheese and pine nuts, 5 ml of lemon juice ? cloves of garlic, pepper, salt.

How to cook salmon carpaccio or salmon. Slightly freeze fish fillets, cut into long thin slices, arrange on platter. For the sauce, chop the garlic and nuts, combined with the other ingredients and stir to coat the fish sauce. If desired, the pieces of fish can be collapsed by rolls. When serving, arrange the arugula and chopped onion.

If you are afraid to eat raw fish, cook carpaccio salted fish will turn out tasty and safe!

From "radical" and classic recipes carpaccio move on to the more simple and close to the heart and stomach of a normal Russian chef.

Recipe carpaccio of smoked meat

You will need: 500g beef fillet ? onions, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. oregano, ? tsp. black pepper ? tsp. salt.

How to make a carpaccio of smoked meat. Combine the chopped onion and garlic with salt, pepper and oregano, rubbed raw meat (it should be in one piece),to smoke the meat for 3 hours with Apple branches, and then wrap with foil and put into the freezer. Potoropivshiesya meat thinly slice almost transparent slices, arrange on platter and serve.

Of course, the smokehouse has not at all, if you don't have it, you can cook carpaccio of roasted meat.

Recipe carpaccio roasted beef

picture - World kitchen: preparing carpaccio

You will need: 200g beef raw, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil first cold pressed, 1 lettuce leaf lettuce, grated cheese (preferably Parmesan), pepper, salt.

How to make a carpaccio of roast beef. The meat is rubbed with salt and pepper on both sides and fry in the pan, then immediately put into the freezer for a few minutes until light podmorazhivanija, obsesive paper towel. Thinly slice the meat and drizzle with oil. The salad out onto a plate, add salt and pepper, put the meat on top, all sprinkled with grated cheese and pour over the lemon juice.

Well, for those who do not eat meat, or don't want to eat meat and fish products are subjected to even minimal heat treatment, was specially invented mushroom and vegetable carpaccio.

Recipe carpaccio with mushrooms

You will need: 300g mushrooms, fresh large 100g Parmesan cheese, 2 tomatoes, 1 bunch fresh Basil and spicy marinovannogo the green p

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