Jam "crimson" from green tomatoes

→ Jam "crimson" from green tomatoes

picture - Jam "crimson" from green tomatoes

800 g sugar

160 g raspberry jelly sachets

4 Cup crushed tomatoes

What made this delicious jam, no one will ever guess, and it is done very quickly - just take sugar, green tomatoes and berry jelly.

Tomatoes need a very fine grind using a blender or processor, mix with sugar, put in a saucepan, over medium heat, bring to boil, boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

Pour the tomato jelly, reduce heat, cook for another 20 minutes on low heat.

Next hot jam "crimson" from green tomatoes decomposed by pure sterilized banks, cork lids, or place in a plastic container plain, store in the refrigerator.

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