Sweets East: chak-chak

→ Sweets East: chak-chak

picture - Sweets East: chak-chak

Eastern sweets known all over the world, in every corner of the world heard of them, and a lot of them have tried. One of these sweets is chak-chak, its preparation and we'll talk.

Funny name chak-chak indicate dessert made of dough filled with honey. It belongs to the national cuisine of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, is considered the national dish of Bashkir and Tatar. A similar dessert is also found in the Tajik and Kazakh cuisine, but all options chak-chak, essentially the same - it differs in different regions only in their appearance. So, Bashkir and Tatar chak-chak usually made of balls of dough, and Kazakh and Tajik - from oblong strips resembling vermicelli.

How to cook chak-chak

Prepare this dessert is easy, just need to properly knead the dough and prepare the caramel and honey fill. Of course, both processes have their subtleties. We'll talk about these details in the process.

So, for the preparation of the eastern sweets chak-chak need the following ingredients: 500 g flour? glass of milk, 30 g butter, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar? tsp salts for pouring - 300 g of honey, 200 g sugar, for frying - 300-400 ml of refined vegetable oil.

Flour for chak-chak sure to use only the highest grade of wheat, other kinds of flour dough will tasteless.

  • How to knead dough for chak-chak.

First, rub the eggs with the sugar and salt in a bowl sift the flour slide, make slides in the center groove, pour the milk, eggs and mashed melted butter. Podsypaya fork flour from the sides of the well, knead the dough so that the whole meal was included in the dough, but it should not be too sticky, soft.

If the dough turns dry and absorbs all the flour, pour a little milk.

Knead the dough, turn it out onto a work surface, a cross between 5-7 minutes, with adhesion - powder flour dough, using it at a minimum, to the dough turned out cool. Place the kneaded dough in a bowl, cover, let it stand for 1 hour.

picture - Sweets East: chak-chak

  • Molding "chak-Chakov."

Real test is necessary to roll out a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut into strips for 1-1,5sm width, roll each strip in the flagellum about 0.5 cm thickness of any length. Further, these flagella cut - depending on the desired shape chak-chak they can be cut into stripes on 4-5cm or like balls, cutting off pieces of flagella to 0.5 cm long.

The most convenient way to cut the dough with scissors.

Further pieces of dough in small portions need to fry in a deep fryer or deep frying pan with plenty of oil until golden, light brown in color, usually on one portion of roasting takes 1-2 minutes. Fold the fried dough onto paper towels to absorb excess fat.

  • The next step - preparing filling.

Med minimum necessary heat to melt or a water bath. In the melted sugar and pour honey with stirring bring it to dissolve the honey.

If you do not fill the honey over low heat, sugar will start to be burnt, and the taste of the dessert will be affected negatively.

picture - Sweets East: chak-chak

When the sugar has dissolved, continue to cook the mixture over low heat until boiling, stirring it occasionally and very slowly - or sugar may crystallize. Roughly cook the mixture after boiling need about 5 minutes to check whether the filling is ready, you can: check how dripping from a spoon mixture - they need to become stringy and for each droplet should start to stretch a thin tail. Another indicator of readiness - the bubbles that are formed at the boil, if they do not burst quickly as bubbles of water during boiling and slowly becoming important, darkening and swelling, so the caramel is ready.

  • Putting chak-chak.

Fried dough you need to put in any wide dish and pour the cooked caramel (hot), all you need to mix gently - caramel should evenly cover the pieces of dough. Next is taken Serving dish, moistened with cold water, as well moistened hands, and the mixture is spread on a dish, and hands him the desired shape while simultaneously chak-chak be compressed.

If the molding chak chak-caramel sticks to the hands, wetting them with cold water.

Decorate the finished dessert can Montpensier, chopped nuts, dried fruits, incidentally, nuts and dried fruits are sometimes added in the actual dessert when mixed dough and honey weight.

Thus it is possible to cook a delicious chak-chak the joy of all home sweet tooth. As you can see, this process although it has its own quirks, but, nevertheless, it is not too complicated, and this recipe chak-chak can make even an inexperienced cook. Of course, there are other recipes chak-chak, we also brought the classic version of this Eastern sweets, learning to cook, to help you improve the dish at their own discretion and taste.

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