Why is beer

→ Why is beer

picture - Why is beerGood morning! Frothy, cool... a rare man does not dream about it - not in the morning, of course, and after a long day of work or during the weekends. You've probably heard people talk about beer. And a beer belly from him, and calories in it a lot. Dare to assure you - it is nothing more than myths!

The democratic and popular drink is not so harmful. On the contrary, it contains a lot of biologically active substances, minerals and even vitamins!
The most useful fresh unfiltered beer alive.

The concentration of vitamins in it several times higher. Experts from the Munich beer Institute even claim that a liter of unfiltered beer is 10 times more useful than a litre of milk. They echo and scholars of the University of Wisconsin. According to them, a dark beer better light. It has more flavonoids - substances that lower cholesterol in the blood.

Mug of beer a day health will not harm. On the contrary - will contribute. It stimulates digestion, and with daily use reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and even according to some, is able to slightly slow down the aging process.

And all would be well, if not for the alcohol. Harmful properties of ethyl alcohol nullify all the benefits, one has only to exceed the norm (half a liter a day) or go to a high-alcohol Beers. 2-3 mugs and more, but still every day is a direct road to the beer alcoholism (he develops very quickly) plus excessive load for the kidneys, liver, joints and heart. And the infamous beer belly you receive from those who drink beer like water - liter or two a day.
It is believed that beer too rich in calories and it is also a myth. Calories in this circle not more than 150 g (3-4 slices) of bread. So destroys the figure is not beer, but its quantity and appetizer to it - pizza, nuts and chips.

By and large, beer does not require snacks. The maximum salad of fresh vegetables. Want to drink beer for dinner - make it 20 minutes before meals or half an hour after. If you drink beer while eating, it's easy to get carried away and open another bottle, then another… And again to eat… Foamy drink, like any alcohol in large doses, stimulates the appetite. The only product that should be washed down with beer - fat meat and barbecue. It will help to digest this heavy food.

American scientists have found: a special receptor, which is responsible for the taste of bitterness is often too active women. That is why among us, much less lovers of beer. It seems to us bitter and not tasty. And do not go against nature.


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