Seasonings and spices
One of the most popular dietary supplements are spices (spices) - fresh or dried parts of aromatic plants containing burning (spicy) and volatile aromatic substances mainly of tropical origin. For the most part, these products have no nutritional value, but with the addition of a small amount of food to give the prepared dish distinctive taste and aroma. As a spice used different parts of plants, such as fruits (pepper), flower buds (cloves), leaves (bay leaves), roots (parsley), roots (ginger), bulbs (garlic) and others.
In Europe, many spices were back in ancient times from the East (China and India); some - from Africa and South America.
Without onion is almost impossible to prepare any one dish (about sweet - we do not speak). Onions gives a pleasant taste and flavor soups, minced meat, meat and fish dishes, sauces and salads. Onion is indispensable for putting vegetable and mushroom dishes. Dried onions are added to a variety of sauces, bread mix, soups, casseroles. And the bow can be the main ingredient of the original dishes. For example, the onion soup.
Here it is necessary to talk about the different varieties of pepper: English, red, black.
English pepper (aka Jamaican pimento aka aka Ormushev) was introduced to Europe by Christopher Columbus in one of the first expeditions to the New World. Connoisseurs of spices - British believe that the taste of allspice taste like cinnamon, cloves and black pepper collected together. In cooking, English pepper is used for preparation of sauces, seasonings to meat and fish dishes. Without it costing marinades for fruits, vegetables and mushrooms and vegetable salads. English pepper for flavor added to the filler fish, meats, jelly, barbecue. Put it into a dish for half an hour until cooked. English pepper blends well with onions, red wine, almonds, horseradish.
Red pepper (paprika, chili, cayenne)
As English peppers, red came to Europe from America. Dried red pepper pods, archaeologists found in the pyramids of the Indians. Scope of red pepper is very wide. It is added to sauces, sausage, ground beef, rice and even some types of cheese. In Israeli cuisine are used different varieties of red pepper:
� sweet paprika has a sweet taste, almost burning;
� paprika burning hot with bitter aftertaste;
� chili, spicy-hot peppers, used for cooking sauces;
� Cayenne, the most hot peppers are added in small quantities to marinades.
To the food was flavorful and delicious, red pepper should be added for 5-10 minutes until tender. Red pepper blends well with garlic, bay leaf, basil, coriander, dill, parsley, onion.
Black pepper was the cause of the discovery of America and the emergence of red pepper. After all, for him and other Indian spices fitted out an expedition of Christopher Columbus. Prepare this spice of unripe fruits, drying them in the sun. Of ripe fruits produced the so-called white pepper. Black pepper is called the most versatile spice. It is used in fish, meat, vegetable, mushroom dishes, salads, marinades, dry mixes, and even in some varieties of cookies. No wonder, it is put on the table along with salt.
Bay leaves
Bay leaf is widely used in cooking and is very familiar to many, though not all know that he has a very beautiful legend. Ancient Greek god Apollo fell in love with the beautiful Daphne and pursued her. The girl did not like Apollo and sought the help of Zeus and he turned it into a beautiful fragrant tree. In Hebrew, the Greek name of laurel passed - Daphne, and in the Russian language, we use the Greek word "winner" - crowned with laurel - in memory of the ancient tradition to lay a laurel wreath on the heads of the winners and the best poets. Who could have imagined that today without the leaves of this wreath is complete, no hostess in canning fish, mushrooms, vegetables, meat during cooking, pickling herring with pickled vegetables and home cooking pickles. Bay leaf is part of the set of sauces and spice mixtures. Lay the bay leaf in hot dishes recommended for 20-25 minutes until cooked and removed from the food when it is ready. Store bay leaf in a closed container in a dry place.
Carnation is widespread in eastern cuisine. It has the property of not only those flavored dishes, which are added, but for a long time to keep them fresh. In Israeli cuisine cloves used mainly for making pickles mushroom, meat, vegetable, fish and fruit. In hot dishes it is added seldom since in overdose dish becomes bitter taste.
Garlic is mentioned in ancient papyri dealing with medicine and proper nutrition. The list of diseases cured by using garlic is extensive. In cooking, it used the Persians, the Romans and the Arabs. Garlic in the course of the French and Spanish. And the use of garlic in Russia is reflected in the works of Pushkin, Gogol, Kuprina the description of Jewish settlements. So Israeli cuisine abounds in recipes containing garlic, brought people from all over the world.
There are a few general rules for the use of garlic.
� Garlic is bad in harmony with the fish.
� Of all the varieties of meat garlic is best combined with lamb, but will not spoil any one meat dish.
� In salads garlic is well suited to tomato, cucumber and watercress.
� Garlic is involved with pickling and salting of vegetables and mushrooms.
� Garlic is added to the cheese and cottage cheese.
� Garlic is not worth it for a long time to warm up. It is recommended to lay off the garlic at the time of the fire, plus or minus 1.5-2 minutes. If you put the garlic before, it just dissolved, and a large amount of it will make the dish bitter. If you add the garlic in the dish cooled down, it will override all other products and nothing else will not be felt. The exception is food, in the formulation of which, garlic participates as one of the main characters. In pilaf garlic is added when putting it on evaporation in hot - for 2-3 minutes before turning off the heat and leave under cover for another 5-6 minutes. In salads is recommended to add a young and green garlic.
Cilantro (kuzbara, coriander)
Cilantro is one of the most popular spices in the world. Especially it is used widely in the Mediterranean countries, China and India. The greens of this plant is called cilantro (kuzbara in Hebrew), and the seeds - coriander.
Chopped fresh coriander sprinkled on salads, soups, grilled meat before serving. Much wider use coriander seeds: the stew, marinating fish and vegetables, pickling cucumbers and cabbage. On coriander seeds can even insist vodka.
First of all, cinnamon is used in confectionery products: biscuits, pies filled with fruit, homemade cakes. Add cinnamon in ice cream, fruit soups and salads, especially apples. In eastern cuisine cinnamon is added to coffee and fruit decoction. But cinnamon is good and as an additive to meat, poultry and fish, and even in marinades it is relevant. However, cinnamon can not tolerate prolonged cooking. Add it to the dish is recommended for 10-15 minutes until tender.
Watercress similar to parsley, but with thinner slotted curly leaves. The taste of watercress leaves resemble mild mustard or radish. The plant is not capricious, growing in different climatic zones. In Israel, a season of growth and consumption of watercress to the period from mid-autumn to April and May. Eat watercress to eat only fresh, cooked and logging in is the use watercress not be. It is possible to store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag and must eat for 3-4 days.
Anise is familiar to all former child: seed extract of this plant was a cough syrup. Cultivate this plant was many centuries ago in the Middle East. As a spice used anise seeds collected immature. Anise - spice, with a unique ability to neutralize any unpleasant odor. In the East, decided to chew anise after meals, because he beats halitosis. Even such a nuisance as burning food can be overcome with the help of anise. It's enough to put in a pinch of anise seeds dishes. After an unpleasant odor disappeared, anise seeds removed and dish seasoned with spices according to the recipe. In hot weather, meals containing anise, long time do not spoil and do not dry up.
Basil (Reyhan)
In Europe, basil - "regal" in the East Reyhan - "sweet" in cooking is widely used. This plant is unpretentious and grows even in a box on the windowsill. Cut off the leaves and stems Rayhan should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in cellophane. You can prepare for future use basil, dried the stems and leaves it in the shade at room temperature. Dry basil should be stored in a glass container. Basil - exquisite seasoning for meat and fish dishes, typical for Eastern and Western dishes for. Reyhan is also good in soups, salads, cold dishes and as a supplement to rice, cheese, eggs.
About this plant also wrote Pliny. Homeland ginger - India, but today ginger is grown in several regions of the world. In cooking, ginger is primarily used for preserving meat and fish. Taste ginger gives ear, soups, grilled poultry and mushrooms. Kapelyushechka ginger added to the black coffee, making it a unique taste. But, of course, ginger is part of many spices. They are also flavored with gingerbread cookies. In the dough ginger introduced during mixing, and hot dishes - for 15-20 minutes until tender.
Mint, like many other spice plants, owes its name to the heroes of Greek mythology. The lord of the underworld, Pluto fell in love with a nymph called the cops. Jealous wife of Pluto Proserpine nymph turned in a nondescript grass. Pluto tried to spell favorite, but failed. Then he gave the plant a wonderful smell.
There are many varieties of mint: citric, curly, pubescent, peppermint, lavender and so on. In Israel, grown cultivated varieties - peppermint lavender and mint.
� Peppermint is used for flavoring confectionery and in the medical industry.
� Peppermint lavender is used as a condiment. It has a mild taste and smell, and contains almost no bitterness. Mint leaves are used for making beverages, added to salads, fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Also good mint leaves in soups from sour milk and dishes of legumes.
Mint leaves can be dried and crushed. As such, they are added to a marinade for meat, roast beef or veal, mashed potatoes and other potato dishes, in pastries.
The name of this plant comes from two Greek words: "Kalos" - good, noble and "cops" - mint. In cooking kalamintu widely used for the preparation of tonic and refreshing drinks.
It is in Kardamonskih forests in southern India is an amazing plant grows. Cardamom fruits harvested unripe and not separated from the boxes so as not evaporated fragrant essential oil. Fruitlets-boxes and shipped worldwide. In cooking, cardamom actively added to cakes, gingerbreads, strudels. Cardamom - one of the few spices, flavor is not lost even after prolonged heating.
Cardamom is an essential ingredient of the famous coffee in the Bedouin. And, of course, cardamom enrich fish dishes, rice, pickles and even minced meat. Handle with cardamom requires a careful - it is a very strong seasoning.
� A kilo of minced meat or test should not add more than one box cardamom.
� In soups and jelly put whole grains.
� In baked goods, sauces, stuffing and coffee - ground.
Sesame - the same Simsim (sumsum in Hebrew), who opened the entrance to the cave with treasures of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, spread throughout the world of Arab countries. Now it is grown in Africa, in America and in China. In the food consumed sesame seeds and oil, pressed from them. Eastern cooking advises sprinkle sesame seeds cakes, muffins, casseroles, meat pies.
Turmeric has been presented to the soldiers of Alexander the Great among the rich gifts of India. Orange-yellow powder made from bitter roots, tubers of plants of the ginger family. The best varieties of turmeric is still grown in India. In Israel, turmeric - one of the most common spices. It is added to soups, meat, fish, vegetable dishes. It not only gives a spicy smell, but also stains the dish in a nice yellow color.
Oregano (Origanum)
Oregano means "mountain joy." Sniffing the plant, people want to smile and rejoice at his heart becomes calm and joyful. Oregano grown on plantations, harvested in late spring, the upper part of the plant and dried. Fresh oregano, as a rule, do not use because of the very strong smell. Dish, which adds oregano, stays fresh longer.
Add the oregano to dishes from mushrooms in tomato sauce, spaghetti, to scrambled eggs, cheese platter. Oregano - a beautiful fine seasoning for grilled and stewed meat, grilled chicken, grilled fish. Oregano combines perfectly with basil, black and red pepper.
Rosemary in cooking is widely used. Fresh and dried leaves of rosemary act as flavoring in dishes of meat and poultry products, giving them an exquisite flavor. The main thing is not to overdose, the dish does not taste bitter. You can add rosemary and chicken soups, meat, vegetables. Lay in the middle of rosemary and cook 8-10 minutes removed. Rosemary very well with parsley and never used, along with the bay leaf. Rosemary is indispensable as a seasoning when baked fish on the coals or grill and in the oven. Rosemary is often added to dishes of cauliflower and other vegetables.
Celery (Celery, Karpas) was known to the ancient Egyptians, they did, it seems, and civilize. Since time immemorial, the Karpas is a fixture of the Jewish Passover table. In ancient Rome, celery, like most spice plants, and used as a spice and as a medicine. In cooking, use all parts of the plant in fresh and dried.
� chopped celery root in the form of added to soups and salads. Dried roots Grate, mixed with common salt and sprinkle sandwiches with butter or cream cheese.
� Celery leaves put in soups, meat and fish. Especially good they are combined with tomatoes and potatoes. From boiled celery are good salads with potatoes, beans, beets. Good celery braised in cream.
� Celery seeds are added to sauces, soups, fish and meat dishes.
Fennel is very similar in appearance to fennel. In Hebrew they even names like: fennel - Shamir, fennel - Shumar. But the smell of their distinguished without difficulty. In fennel spicier sweet smell with a hint of anise. In fennel also has its own story. When the ancient Greeks defeated the Persians, they drew attention to the sweet-smelling grass that grew near the battlefield. She began to cultivate in Greece, as a symbol of military victory, which did not prevent its use in food in large quantities to increase endurance.
� In cooking, the roots and leaves of fennel is used in salads, as well as add to the fish and beef in fire.
� Stems in slightly blanched fennel can serve as a separate side dish.
� Fennel seeds spicing up the taste and delicate flavor fish and vegetable soups. And they are added to marinades for vegetables, sauerkraut and pickles.
Hyssop is just a native of the Middle East region. The ancients used the dried sprigs of hyssop to disinfect wounds, the room where the infectious patient, allowed to drink tea from hyssop colds.
In cooking, hyssop actively used as a seasoning for salads and meat dishes. And when pickling olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, and, oddly enough, in the manufacture of liqueurs.
The main thing - to observe moderation, as hyssop has a strong spicy taste.
Marjoram in ancient Egypt was a symbol of admiration, delight and other strong emotions. Object of admiration to present a bunch of stems marjoram. Its delicate scent spoke of love and admiration. Through Greece marjoram spread throughout the Mediterranean. In the Middle Ages in Europe was considered indecent Serve dishes to the guests, not flavored marjoram.
In classical cooking marjoram added to the minced meat. Powder marjoram well sprinkle mushroom, tomato, pea soups, steaks, omelettes, fried mushrooms, sauces. Brewed as a tea, marjoram - perfect drink for a hot time of year. Moreover, it is perfectly calms the nervous system.
Almond according to legend, was one of those gifts that the patriarch Jacob passed through their children in Egypt to his son Joseph. Avicenna recommended almonds for bleaching and cleansing the face. Maimonides believed almonds a good means of preventing drunkenness.
Almond is sweet and bitter. They vary in their properties. Bitter almonds contain poisonous prussic acid, which, however, is decomposed into harmless components by heating. Therefore, bitter almonds can be used only after the heat treatment. Sweet almonds hydrocyanic acid is safe and does not contain any form.
In cooking, use both sweet and bitter almonds treated. Bitter almonds are able to discourage food burnt taste, improves the taste of fish dishes. Almonds good in salads.
Sweet almonds are especially common in confectionery products (cakes, pastries, cakes). In eastern cuisine almonds are added to rice dishes, including rice with meat and poultry. In this dish should cover a thick cloth and keep on low heat for 20-30 minutes to steam the almonds.
Tarragon (tarragon)
Tarragon (tarragon) owes its name to a bizarre form of their roots, which resemble small dragon. In French - "esdragon", ie little dragon. Tarragon has a strong odor, somewhat like anise. In cooking, use the stems and leaves of tarragon for home pickles. Fresh leaves of tarragon are added to fish, vegetables, side dishes, salads, sauces, cheese and sour milk.
� In the hot dishes add tarragon for 1-2 minutes until tender.
� In cold dishes - just before serving.
� Good rub meat and poultry before cooking tarragon.
� Dried tarragon leaves are added to the soup, soup, meat and chicken soup for 3-5 minutes until tender.
� Stems and leaves of tarragon, vinegar added to make it fragrant.
In the Middle Ages in Europe dill considered not only spicy, but also ornamental plants. It was believed that inhaling the aroma of fennel helps clarify the mind. In the baggage of the first settlers in America, among other expensive things that thou mayest observe fennel seeds.
� In cooking, use fresh and dried dill.
� Fresh leaves are added to soups, sauces, vegetable salads, meat, fish, milk, mushroom dishes.
� Umbrellas inflorescences give the delicate taste of sauerkraut, pickles and tomatoes, pickled onions.
� Dry ground fennel is added to sauces, meat and fish soups, stir-fry, vegetable stew.
� Dill goes well with all vegetables, cheese and cottage cheese.
Horseradish, radish is not sweeter than that, it is considered the most severe of pungent spices. A native of western Asia, horseradish spread throughout the world, and is an integral part of almost any cuisine. In cooking, mainly used, the roots of horseradish.
� Fresh grated root is used as a seasoning. To this you can add salt, vinegar, beets, apples, nuts, sugar, sour cream.
� Young leaves are added to salads, soups, homemade pickles and even sandwiches.
Thyme (Zaatar)
Thyme (Zaatar) was known to the ancient Israelites called "ezov." The Arabic name of this plant Zaatar. In the Israeli kitchen Zaatar - one of the most popular spices. Stems, leaves and flowers of thyme is used in folk medicine and in cooking.
� Thyme added to soups meat, fish, vegetables, a minced fish and grilled meat.
� Thyme in a mixture of flour is very good for breading fish.
� Good thyme add to salads, vegetables and potatoes.
� Very popular with thyme soft white cheeses such as feta cheese.
In the Middle Ages, saffron was worth 15 times the price of red pepper. Even today, it remains one of the most expensive spices. The plant is very naughty and wild in the now common. Saffron is cultivated on special plantations, harvested by hand just blooming flowers, be sure to dry weather, from 10 to 11 o'clock. On the same day flowers plucked from the stigma, owned and spice, and dried them exactly 30 minutes at room temperature. To obtain one kilogram of dry saffron be processed more plant 100,000.
Trace amounts of saffron added to the food, give it a wonderful golden color, enhance and ennoble its natural flavor and make a spicy taste. Annual consumption of saffron should not exceed 1.5 g per person. Therefore, saffron is first dissolved in water or alcohol, then this tincture is diluted with water and introduced into a dish for 5 minutes until it is ready and in the dough - kneading.
Saffron is not usually used in combination with other spices, but sometimes admit to myself red pepper and garlic. In cooking, add the saffron in clear soup of fish, fish stew, in sauces for meat and poultry. Very beautiful rice with saffron.
Parsley sung the great Homer. Famous Greek hero, win, put wreaths on the head, in which intertwined parsley. The ancient Greeks parsley grown specifically for this purpose, and the food did not use it.
But on the table the ancient Romans parsley meant that the house is very important invited guests.
Today parsley is grown everywhere. In the food used by the roots, stems and seeds and parsley. The range of application of parsley in cooking is very wide. fresh parsley is added to meat and fish dishes, soups, salads. Often include parsley as a flavoring in sauces, gravies, cheese, cottage cheese. Seeds, roots and parsley are used for making home pickles.
The ancient Greeks were very fond of the smell of thyme and burned his fragrant stems before the images of the gods. In ancient Judea used thyme for disinfecting dwellings. In many countries of the Mediterranean property thyme disinfect indoor air is used to this day.
In cooking as a spice use the dried tops of the stems with buds, flowers and leaves. At least - the fresh leaves and flowers. Thyme goes well with dill. Thyme is often added to a mixture of spices, designed for cooking meat over an open fire. Put it in salads with tomatoes, carrots and potatoes. In the eastern cooking thyme added to sauces, soups, stews. Good thyme and egg dishes, pasta and poultry.
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