Arabian cuisine

→ Arabian cuisine

picture - Arabian cuisine

Cuisine of the peoples of the Arab countries: Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya and others have a lot in common. The people of these States use the same products and methods of cooking separate dishes. Favorite food Arabs lamb, goat, veal, and poultry. In addition to these are beans, rice, vegetables, fresh and canned fruit. Quite a lot of preparing dishes from fish, eggs, milk products, especially cheese, resembling cheese

It is impossible to imagine Halal food without spices and seasonings. Here they are eaten in large quantities.

Although for cooking they use vegetable oil, mainly olive, many meat dishes are prepared without the use of fat. In this case, is fried at a very high temperature, so the proteins of meat, contact with the hot surface of the pan, fold up and form a crust that holds in the product of the meat juice.

Feed the peoples of the Arab countries is usually two times: very tightly Breakfast and not less densely dine in the evening or after sunset.

A popular dish in many of the Arab peoples - wheat or corn porridge - burgul. In Saudi Arabia, burgul usually sprinkled with sour milk. In solemn cases, it spread in the form of a pyramid and fill with oil or cover with small pieces of meat.

Also popular porridge made of flour mixed with olive oil and chilli.

picture - Arabian cuisineIn Saudi Arabia fruits, especially dates, not used in smaller quantities than grains. Usually one makes a paste that can be stored all year round. This paste is sometimes mixed with barley or other flour. Very popular and dried dates.

A traditional drink in Saudi Arabia - coffee. To make a real Arabic coffee, you have to be a skilled chef. First, the coffee beans are roasted, stir them a little metal rod. Then carefully crushed, maintaining a certain rhythm. Brewed coffee in copper and brass vessels in three sizes, similar to the kettles. The finished drink is served in cups, according to seniority. Honorary guests coffee are served three times, after which decency requires to thank and give up. As a rule, drink coffee without sugar, but with the addition of spices - cloves and cardamom.

But Yemeni-style it is impossible to imagine without helby spicy sauce of red pepper, mustard and aromatic herbs. Festive lunch in Yemen begins watermelon or cantaloupe. Then bentas-Sakhno - sweet dough filled with melted butter and honey. After the lamb, filled with rice, raisins, almonds and spices, served boiled meat with sauce Helba. Lunch ends with the broth.

picture - Arabian cuisineIn Syria and Lebanon are traditional meat dishes such as Kubba - fried or boiled balls of meat, fish, various seasonings; lamb, roasted on a spit; vegetables stuffed with meat. As snacks using a variety of fresh and pickled vegetables (olives, tomatoes, peppers and others), nuts, watermelon seeds, etc.

Favorite national dishes Iraqis - risotto with lamb and rice, which usually add raisins, figs and almonds; yahni - dish with spicy sauce, reminiscent of stew; Yes - wheat bread, zameshannye on sour milk; sweet products: halva, candied fruit. Black coffee is usually drunk without sugar, but with the addition of saffron and nutmeg.

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