Hearty appetizer "Zhardiner"

→ Hearty appetizer "Zhardiner"

picture - Hearty appetizer "Zhardiner"

1 ����� Beets ( medium)

3 ����� Carrots ( things of medium size or big pair)

4 ����� Potatoes ( tuber average diameter)

200 g ����� Beef or pork, boiled)

100 g ����� Mayonnaise ()
some mayonnaise to choose? we'll show

����� Salt, pepper

����� Greens (any, for decoration)

Raw vegetables chopped into small strips, add salt. Potato fry in small slices and add to the vegetables. Boiled meat cut (the pieces - average, you can manually be divided into fiber) and mix with vegetables. Salad dressed with a generous amount of mayonnaise and stand in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. You can decorate differently (imagination is not restrained). Put the dish on a flat dish and serve.

Recipe of the categories: