Children and vegetarianism: benefit or harm?

→ Children and vegetarianism: benefit or harm?

picture - Children and vegetarianism: benefit or harm?If an adult decides for himself whether to use him meat and poultry, eggs, fish, honey and milk, the child often do not have a choice. So is it worth to raise vegetarian children? Read the facts and draw conclusions.

According to research, the level of mental development of children-vegetarians higher than that of meat eaters. On the other hand, an increased risk of "shortage" of vital substances. Basically, there is not enough vitamin B12, eicosapentanoic and docosahexanoic acids. This can lead to problems of physical and mental development, however, such cases are rare.

Many vegetarians or vegans don't eat meat a certain number of years and it is absolutely healthy, so they believe that their children vegetarianism, too, will benefit. The young and strong body, indeed, there is a certain "margin of safety", which can long endure adverse conditions.

However, that "get away with" one person can harm another. According to some experts, the children of such a "margin of safety" yet, and he will not be formed without the necessary nutrients.

picture - Children and vegetarianism: benefit or harm?It is believed that the meat can be replaced by vegetable products. However, a trace element such as iron easier absorbed by the body if it is animal, not vegetable. In meat and meat products also contain vitamin D, which is almost absent in plant foods. Vitamin D plays a huge role in the formation of the skeleton, its deficiency leads to rickets.

In addition, vegetarians claim that they have no problems with the digestive system. Competently lax vegetarian food really is able to provide adult body with all necessary nutrients and energy. For children it will likely be small.

Alternatively, you can provide a child with all the necessary nutrients for harmonious growth. Then let it take its own decision, to become whether he is a vegetarian.

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