Avocado: what it eats?
Avocado has ceased to be a product of our country unfamiliar and exotic - Today the various meals and snacks with him many cooks prepare. And what - we will tell you in this article.
Buy avocado in our stores can now be year-round, as a rule, they are not sold by weight, and the piece, and are very inexpensive - around 20-30r. apiece. Tasted, many loved this fruit for its wonderful flavor and culinary versatility, and now a variety of dishes from avocados often decorate our banquet tables and bring variety to everyday meals.
Avocado is also known as the American Perseus, in our country it used to be called agakat, in English it is called the alligator pear, in the Middle Ages it was called Aguacate.
Avocados - is the fruit of an evergreen tree that can reach a height of up to 18m. It is known that it began to be cultivated before our era - in the third millennium, and, like chocolate, it opened up the world Aztecs, who called it "auakatl" (translated as "Forest Oil"). Distribution of avocado around the world began after it was first described in the book by Pedro Cieza de Leon, "The Chronicle of Peru" in the 1553g. In 1576g. in the book "General History of affairs of New Spain" he mentions Bernardino de Sahagn, leading the Aztecs received information about the properties of this plant. Sahagun described the Aztecs believe that the grind stone fruit in the composition of different mixtures, for example, with carbon black, helps with itching and dandruff. Also indicated that nursing women should not eat avocados because it causes intestinal disorder.
Today avocado - one of the world's most popular fruit crops, it is cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions, including Africa, Brazil, Israel, USA. Varieties of avocados are now more than 400, and one tree can produce fruit harvest 150-200kg.
Avocados can reach a length of 5 to 20cm, and weight - from 50g to 1,8kg. Immature fruits are dark green skin that darkens when ripe, with maturity Avocado has a yellow-green or green color, is characterized by an oily texture. In the center of the fruit - a large round stone.
In cooking, avocado nowadays used very widely - from him prepare everything from soups to snacks. But we do more accustomed past. Taste reminiscent of avocado mixture of butter and mashed green, often with a touch of pine nuts. Combining it with different products, you can achieve the most exquisite flavor notes of so avocados are so fond of gourmets worldwide.
Avocados are not only tasty but also very useful, scientists call it a leader among the products of struggling with aging. It contains useful vegetable fats and vitamin E in large quantities, preventing atherosclerosis, as well as potassium, improves the skin and blood vessels, and is a powerful antioxidant glutathione, which helps to saturate the body with oxygen. With regular use of avocado helps to cope with the symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause, reduces blood cholesterol levels. However, it is worth noting that the avocado - the most high-calorie fruit on the planet, so they should not be abused. Avocado also considered an aphrodisiac.
How to choose an avocado
At sales we arrive usually unripe fruit of avocado. Maturity is easily determined: push down on the skin - if it is not pressed, then the fruit is immature, and it is better to give it to ripen at room temperature (in the fridge it does not ripen). If the skin is pressed well, then, overripe fruit, and it may well be already spoiled the. Ideally, the skin should push for quite a bit.
For the preparation of any dish prepared avocado is simple: it should be an incision along and turn in different directions halves - if they are very difficult to separate from each other, so, again, unripe fruit. After separation of the halves pulled bone, and flesh of scraping using a teaspoon or fruit peel with a knife or vegetable peelers.
What to cook with avocado
Widely used in avocado vegetarian cuisine as a filling for sushi, replacing eggs and meat in some cold snacks. In Latin America and in Spain, where it is the everyday foods that are eaten every day, do not just sauces, pies and other snacks, but also soups, smoothies, and even ice cream. In Brazil, avocados are eaten with honey, jam and sugar and other sweets.
The most popular dish of avocado - Mexican guacamole: appetizer, which is made from avocado pulp, vegetables, spices, lime juice and salt.
Recipe for making guacamole avocado
You will need: 2 avocados 1 large tomato and onion,? lemon / lime (juice), ground or minced fresh chili and salt.
How to cook a simple guacamole avocado. Mash with a fork to mash the avocado pulp, clearing the fruit from the skin and bones. Drizzle with lemon juice puree, add chopped onions, tomatoes, cut into small cubes, pepper and salt and mix well. For a taste you can add 1 tablespoon guacamole extra virgin olive oil.
Try to prepare this snack, and you'll love it! You can simply eat with bread, crackers, corn chips, etc.
We avocado is most commonly used for cooking a variety of salads and appetizers, it is often stuffed with various fillings.
Recipe stuffed avocado
You will need: 6-7 radishes, 1-2 pen green onions, 1 avocado and boiled egg, 1 tsp mayonnaise, 1 pinch of salt.
How to stuff avocados. Not cleaned, cut the avocado in half lengthwise, separate halves and remove the pit. Choose from halves teaspoon little flesh, mash with a fork together with boiled egg, add mayonnaise and mix until smooth, add the shredded radish, chopped green onions, stir, put the mixture into the avocado halves.
This snack can be applied to a festive table - smashed instantly! In general, the stuff can be any avocado salads formulation in which it is included, and thus fed. Do not forget to sprinkle with half an avocado with lemon juice so they do not darkened.
If the stuffed avocado - a dish more or less familiar, the following recipe will be new to many.
The recipe of preparation of bacon and eggs in avocado
You will need: 30g of bacon, 2 eggs raw, 1 avocado, pepper, salt.
How to cook an egg in the avocado. Cut the avocados cleaning, in half lengthwise, remove the bone, to remove part of the flesh with a spoon (it can be used for salad), folded halves in a baking dish, carefully drive in each half an egg, carefully lay out on top with chopped bacon, pepper and salt. Bake eggs in avocados in a preheated to an average temperature oven for 20-25min.
Interesting, tasty and very delicious breakfast, moreover, still useful!
And can you make from other avocado breakfast - scrambled eggs.
Recipe cooking omelet with avocado
You will need: 4-6 slices of cheese, 4 eggs and slices