Main dishes with avocado - a variety of options

→ Main dishes with avocado - a variety of options

picture - Main dishes with avocado - a variety of options

Avocado actually - a product widely applied: to do with it not only salads and sandwich mass. In this article we will discuss the various options for simple side dishes that can be prepared with the addition of avocado.

Tasty and still a bit exotic avocados have to please many who are familiar with this product. On our shelves, he appeared not so long ago, but has already earned a lot of popularity due to the excellent taste properties. This "fruits and vegetables" with a very unusual, though not some extraordinary taste, suitable for the preparation of various dishes, including dishes, although often with him prepare salads and a variety of snacks.

Salsa, penne, chutneys - in search of recipes for main courses with avocado can stumble on weight for someone mysterious, and for someone not unfamiliar names. We talk about more simple and familiar ear and stomach food options: whether to prepare, for example, pasta or spaghetti, mashed avocado garnish? Let's see.

Recipes main dishes with avocado

picture - Main dishes with avocado - a variety of options

Avocado combined with different weight of conventional products - a spaghetti, macaroni, chicken, turkey and even beans! With this vegetable can be cooked or baked omelet pot roast, steak and other dishes well known to us. How to do it? Very simple.

Pot roast recipe with avocado and beans

You will need: 450g of canned beans, 100g goat cheese, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 avocados, cumin and salt.

How to cook beans in the pot with avocado. Grease the inside of the pots with olive oil. Drain the liquid from the beans, garlic finely chop and mix it with beans. Add to the beans and cumin podsolit, stir, put the mixture into the pots, put on top of sliced avocado (clean it from the skin and bones), sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a preheated hot medium heat oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe avocado omelet with ham

You will need: 100g of cheese and ham, 15g butter, 6-8 black olives, 6 eggs, 1 avocado, 2ch.l. chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

How to cook an omelet with ham and avocado. Beat eggs with 2 tablespoons water, salt and pepper. Cut the ham, black olives, chopped parsley, cheese rub. Add to the egg mass of half the cheese, olives, parsley and ham. In a frying pan heat the oil, pour the mixture, roast 1min, then top with sliced medium-sized avocado, peeled, and sprinkle with the remaining grated cheese. Put the omelet in the oven for 5 min, heated to an average temperature (including the upper heating), and cook until ready. Serve this omelet can be both hot and cold.

Cooking spaghetti recipe with avocado

picture - Main dishes with avocado - a variety of options

You will need: 400g spaghetti 125ml vegetable stock 100g green onions, avocado 3, 2 limes (juice) 1 bunch cilantro, 4 tablespoons orange juice, black pepper, salt.

How to cook spaghetti with avocado. Fold in the cooked spaghetti colander. Remove from avocado pit, peel and cut into cubes pulp, a third of avocado postpone, pour 1 tbsp lime juice and leave. The remainder of the avocado pyurirovat adding lime juice. Slice the green onions, sprinkle with chopped avocado 1 tablespoon onion, mix with the remaining mashed avocado, chopped cilantro adding broth, orange juice, stir. Mixer to whip mashed avocado, pepper and salt, pour the cooked spaghetti sauce, add diced avocado and stir, bring to the table.

Recipe for cooking pasta with shrimp and avocado

You will need: 250g of small shrimp, tomatoes and 2 cloves of garlic, 1 avocado and onion, 1 cup vegetable broth? pack of pasta (short tubes with hole inside), basil, oil, salt.

How to cook pasta with shrimp and avocado. Boil the pasta, adding 2-3 tablespoons water oil and salt, drain. Finely chop the onion, cut into thin slices and garlic. With peel tomatoes, notched them crosswise and scalded with boiling water, cut into cubes pulp. Peeled avocado diced finely, remove the seeds. Saute in a pan with butter garlic until browning, throw, put the onion, fry, put the shrimp, then tomato and basil, pour broth and stir podsolit, then all 5-7min. Put in a pan avocado, warm, add the pasta, stir and serve.

Recipe for cooking chicken breast with avocado

You will need: 2-3 tomatoes, 2 avocados, 1 breast of chicken, 2 tablespoons vegetable oils 1ch.l. chili paste, curry, salt.

How to cook chicken with avocado. Clear from the skin and the breast bone, fillet cubes, add chilli paste and mix everything. With scalded with boiling water peel tomatoes, cut them into cubes, along with chicken fry in a pan with butter, cook all 5min, curried. Cut the avocados in half, remove the pit, remove the peel, cut into cubes pulp. To put avocado chicken, stir 2-3 minutes to warm up and remove the dish from the stove.

These simple and delicious main dishes from avocados will be an excellent opportunity to diversify the daily menu for those who are already acquainted with this product and loved it, bon appetit!

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