The potato is a delicious and fast

→ The potato is a delicious and fast

picture - The potato is a delicious and fast

In the summer, when ripe young sweet potatoes, it is desirable to prepare and cook all the dishes are delicious, especially aromatic and appetizing. One of the good choices of dishes from potato is a potato, the preparation of which will be discussed.

The potato is a dish American cuisine, as popular as the famous French fries, but much more useful and less calories. Obviously, the recipe for this potato has absorbed the culinary traditions of different cuisines, in particular, French and Mediterranean - these kitchens are very popular dishes in preparation of which is used in a large number of herbs and spices.

Why between French fries and Idaho is better to choose the latter? Because the first fried in oil, and the second is baked in the oven, and for the stomach and shapes this way of cooking potatoes is definitely preferable.

Often, this dish is called "potatoes", and the main name of the dish - "Idaho", repeats the name of one of the American States, located in the North-West of the USA in mountainous terrain. Potatoes there is the main agricultural crop, and one of its varieties is called "Idaho". Among the many dishes that cook in the state of potatoes, one stands out especially popular for cooking potatoes baked in foil with spices and herbs. However, preparing such potatoes as a whole, and the world famous dish in question, made from chopped into large cubes of potatoes, so we can assume that this dish as potatoes Idaho is expanded and refined version of that food which is prepared in the same state.

How to cook potatoes in Idaho home

picture - The potato is a delicious and fast

To prepare Idaho best young small potatoes: baked in skin, it is even more delicious and fragrant. Besides the right Idaho potatoes cooked this way - in the skin. In General, the technology of preparation is nothing complicated and much easier cooking French fries.

First, the tubers carefully washed with a brush and cut into 6-8 wedges, then drop into boiling water and boiled for 2-3 minutes - this allows you to get a nice crust when baking and faster to achieve the food is ready. If desired, the boiling stage and can skip - a crispy, Golden crust can be obtained in other ways.

Next, boiled or raw potatoes, if stage cooking you choose to skip, marinated in herbs and spices. Classic ingredients of the marinade for Idaho is olive oil, ground pepper, garlic, dill and salt, but variants of the marinade today a lot, so make it if desired, and other spices - rosemary, oregano, Basil, olive oil, you can substitute vegetable or even melted butter, often for Idaho use mustard, parsley, hot sauce.

Thoroughly coated potato marinade (for this purpose it is simply put into the container with the prepared sauce and mix with it), spread on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated 180 to 200 degree oven until tender and Golden brown.

As you can see, cooking potatoes Idaho is very simple, but that he liked those you will serve, just use your favorite spices and herbs consumers.

Let's look at a few different options for cooking potatoes Idaho.

Quick recipe for potato Idaho

picture - The potato is a delicious and fast

You will need: 10 small potatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. oil, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, 1 tsp. paprika ground, ? tsp. salt.

How to cook potatoes Idaho. Preheat to 200 degrees in the oven, potatoes, wash brush, without peeling, cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, then each half along for another 3-4 pieces. The garlic put through a press in a bowl, put the butter, salt, paprika and mix all, put the potatoes and stir so that the sauce has coated all the pieces. Put the potato down the skins on a baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes until tender.

While cooking the potatoes, make sure that it is not burnt, if potatoes are not yet ready, but starts to burn, cover it with foil.

Recipe classic potatoes

You will need: potatoes small young, vegetable/olive oil, mustard or sauce, herbs, garlic.

How to make classic potato Idaho. Rinse the potatoes with a brush dipped in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes, drain in a colander, Pat dry. Stir the sauce (it can be almost any taste or mustard with finely chopped greens and passed through press garlic, butter. Dip the potato slices in the marinade and put down the skins on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes in a preheated 180 to 200 degree oven.

Potatoes Idaho can be submitted as an appetizer or a side dish, it is universal and will fit with almost everything - including vegetable salads, meat, poultry, fish, etc. Picking up the spices according to your taste and invented the recipe of the marinade on the basis of their own preferences, you can make this dish tastes best for yourself and family and friends. It's simple, easy and very tasty!

Recipe of the categories: