Recipes grilled chicken breast: tasty and juicy

→ Recipes grilled chicken breast: tasty and juicy

picture - Recipes grilled chicken breast: tasty and juicy

Nothing complicated about to fry chicken breast no more difficult - while maintaining its juiciness, that does not always work even for experienced cooks. In this article we will talk about how to roast a chicken breast that she gets tender, tasty and juicy.

Meat chicken breast white, diet, and therefore the resulting sometimes dryish. A frying - is the cooking method in which the dryness is most often breasts. The easiest option in this case - roasted breast pour some sauce, but then the output we get is not fried, but rather a stew. What to do if you want to roast, but juicy and tasty chicken? Choose the best recipes.

When it comes to meat products, the surest way to keep their juiciness - fried in batter or breading. Therefore it is preferable breasts.

Recipe fried chicken breasts in the test

Need: 1-2 eggs, 1 chicken breast, 2-3 cloves of garlic,? cups, vegetable oil, spices, salt.

How to fry the chicken breasts. Rinse and dry the breast, cut into 1cm cubes on thick, salt and pepper. Skip the garlic through a press, add to the breast, stir and leave it to marinate. Whisk lightly beaten eggs. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, dip slices of breasts in egg, then breaded in flour and spread in a pan and fry on both sides until browning over medium heat.

Recipe fried chicken breasts in batter

You will need: 600g chicken breasts 1 egg? cup milk 3-4 tbsp flour, 1 tsp Mustard sweet pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

How to fry the chicken breasts in batter. Rinse fillets breasts, dry, slightly beat off, cover with cling film. With mustard beat egg, add flour, milk, salt the - the dough will turn out dense but fluid. Preheat a frying pan in vegetable oil. Rub the breast with salt and pepper, dip in batter, fry in a pan on both sides without lid until browning.

Roasting in pastry or batter - a sure way to preserve juiciness chicken breasts, but by no means the only ones. For example, in the Mediterranean countries is very common way of cooking meat diet with lemon juice - turns out very tender and tasty.

Recipe frying chicken breast with lemon juice

picture - Recipes grilled chicken breast: tasty and juicy

You will need: 1 chicken breast? lemon, salt, vegetable oil.

How to fry a chicken breast with lemon juice. Chicken breast fillet into several parts - 4-6, but the thickness of each piece was not more 2-2,5sm. Should be cut across the grain. Squeeze of lemon juice and pour over sliced, salt the 5-10min and leave. In a frying pan heat the vegetable oil, filling it with a layer of about 1 cm, put the breast and quickly fry them until browning on each side. Check the readiness of a knife - fillet should not blood. The cooking times on each side shall not exceed 5min.

Lemon juice, soaking fillets, connecting with the hot oil, forms on the surface of the meat protective layer that prevents the leakage of juice. With lemon juice get any tender chicken breast.

Another way to make white breast meat tender and juicy - is soaking in any sauces, cream, marinades, which are impregnated with meat and eventually even fried it remains juicy.

Recipe fried chicken breasts soaked in cream

You will need: 4 chicken breast, 1 cup of cream, 6 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp curry powder and olive oil, vegetable oil, salt.

How to fry the chicken breasts soaked in cream. Stir the cream with olive oil, lightly beaten, immersed in a mixture of breast, put into the refrigerator for 2 hours. Passed through a press garlic mixed with curry. Soaked breasts dry with a paper towel, rub curry with garlic and salt into the pan and fry in hot oil for 5-7 minutes on each side.

Of any situation there is a way - even dry chicken breasts can be prepared in such a tender way, which it is not easy to learn. Bon Appetite!

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