Soup with sweet corn and crab meat

→ Soup with sweet corn and crab meat

picture - Soup with sweet corn and crab meat

200 g canned corn
what kind of corn to choose? we'll show

100 g crab meat

2 egg protein

2,5 l chicken broth

2 tbsp. milk

1 tbsp. corn flour

? tsp. ground ginger

black pepper


Coarsely chop the crab meat and mix it with ginger.

Dilute milk corn flour, add pre-beaten egg whites and mix until a uniform consistency, combine with crab meat.

Grind corn until the consistency of mashed potatoes.

Chicken broth, bring to boil, add corn puree, crab mass. Cook soup for 5-10 minutes on low heat.

Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped green onions.

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