Stuffed squid

→ Stuffed squid

picture - Stuffed squid

In summer, when many people do not particularly want to eat heavy meat dishes, a variety of seafood are particularly relevant. Squid, for example, can be an excellent basis for lunch or dinner, easy, and tasty summer. And they can make a lot of ways, for example, to stuff. About how stuffed squid, read this article.

Kalmar - seafood is extremely useful and valuable for a number of health indicators leaves far behind many products, including fish. With regular consumption of shellfish reduces cholesterol in the blood, increases the potency in men, improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract, stabilizes blood pressure, derived salts of heavy metals, normal thyroid function, and the squid has a soothing and rejuvenating effect.

Such a wide range of useful properties due to the presence in the chemical composition of squid vitamin E, selenium, valuable protein, taurine, iodine and other nutrients.

Squid can cook a lot of different delicious dishes, but this is the most popular shellfish in stuffed form. Squid carcass if specially created for stuffing and stuffing options because shellfish very well with mass products can be very much, and they can be either raw (various salads) and ready-made.

Features cooking stuffed squid

picture - Stuffed squid

The first defining element in the preparation of delicious stuffed squid - the right choice in their store. In our stores whole carcass squid can buy most often frozen, and then runs the rule that applies to all frost: the package should not be snow, the carcass should not be sticky (it says re-frozen squid, which is not allowed because it would spoiled taste - all of these shellfish dishes will taste bitter).

Frozen squid generally sold already in the purified form, but may fall and untreated. In this case, a film with carcasses after thawing must be removed (its color within the normal range can be from light gray to dark purple). If you purchased a bird as a whole, very raw form, after defrosting they need to be cleaned of films, cut them with tentacles (they can be used as part of a filling for stuffing) and by immersing in cold water, remove the innards.

Preparing before stuffing squid usually slightly boil. Just dip them in boiling water and boil for a few minutes (about proper cooking squid we already wrote here), then remove from the water and pat dry.

It is important not to digest squid, otherwise they will be tough, "rubber" - ruin the whole taste of the dish.

Next squid stuffed, open spaces are fastened with toothpicks, and their willingness to tend to bring in the oven or pan. Often, this squid watered different sauces, sprinkle with cheese and herbs, etc. From a general description of the process in general turn to the detail by means of different recipes for stuffed squid.

Recipe for cooking squid stuffed with mushrooms and egg cream sauce

Need: 200-300g fresh mushrooms (honey agarics, mushrooms or other.) On 200mo cream and mayonnaise, 100g semi-cheese, 50g butter, 30g feathers green onions, 2-3 boiled eggs, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon wheat flour, salt, herbs and black pepper.

How to cook calamari, stuffed mushrooms and egg. If squid acquired quite unprepared, dip them in cold water and remove the insides, not cutting, rinse, then remove the film from the carcass, wash, dry. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms, eggs rubbed on a coarse grater, fry onions in butter, add the mushrooms and fry everything until half. Finely chop the herbs, feathers onion, cheese rub on a coarse grater. Connect fried onions and mushrooms with herbs, cheese and eggs, pepper and salt, mix, stuff the squid carcass, seal the holes with toothpicks, put in a deep pan. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, flour, pepper and salt, and pour the sauce squid, bake in a preheated to an average temperature oven for 30-40 minutes, remove the toothpicks after cooking. When submitting a carcass cut into transverse slices. It can be served hot as a main dish, hot or cold as an appetizer.

Instead of hard-boiled eggs can be used boiled rice instead of sour cream and mayonnaise sauce - Bechamel sauce.

In the above recipe, as you can see, pre-boiled squid is not, so it was increased cooking time in the oven. Boiled squid in advance before stuffing or not - every woman decides itself, to your taste. The following recipe boiled squid.

Cooking recipe squid, stuffed zucchini

picture - Stuffed squid

You will need: 2 medium zucchini and carcass squid, 1 carrot, 0.5 onions, spices to taste, mayonnaise or sour cream.

How to cook squid, stuffed zucchini. Zucchini rub on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips, squeeze, if necessary. Fry onion and carrot in butter until tender, add the zucchini and fry a little. If desired, the end of the cooking vegetables can be added to any suitable sauce taste (sour, bechamel, tomato, etc.). Lower carcass squid in boiling water for a few minutes, then dry and stuff with, stab a hole in each toothpick. Coat with squid outside sour cream or mayonnaise, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

You can make squash stuffing a little differently: finely chop the zucchini and carrots and mix with grated on a coarse grater cheese, pepper and salt.

As noted above, stuffed squid can not just bake in the oven, and roast.

Recipe fried stuffed squid

Need: squid carcass, mashed potatoes / rice with boiled egg and herbs, flour, vegetable oil for frying.

How to cook fried stuffed squid. Stuff raw squid carcass cooked rice with egg and mashed potatoes, to seal the holes with toothpicks, carcass roll in flour and fry in a pan with hot oil for 5-7 minutes on both sides.

The main advantage of stuffed squid - ease of preparation, and the dishes at the same time turn out very elegant and delicious, and are suitable for everyday and festive table. Feel free to handle the preparation of squid, even if you do it the first time!

Options for fillings stuffing squid

If you already know what you want to cook stuffed squid (baked in the oven in a sauce or no sauce, fry in a pan, boil or not to boil previously, etc.), the rest, what will need to decide - filling. We offer several options for minced squid. Selecting one of them can be prepared in any desired manner squid, sauce or without it.

  • Boiled rice with fried mushrooms, pepper and mixed with greens (if you wish - mayonnaise). Stuffed squid, you can smear them with sour cream, if they will roast in the oven.
  • Rice with carrots, onions, tomatoes, dill, parsley and mushrooms: fry all the vegetables, mix with rice and stuff the squid. If you will be prepared in the oven, you can cover them with cream, mixed with a little flour and herbs, pepper and savory, from top to make a thin mesh of mayonnaise and bake 20 minutes at 180 degrees in the oven.
  • Barley porridge with cheese or prunes - all with walnuts.
  • Rice, boiled egg, boiled shrimp, if desired - with mayonnaise.
  • Mussels with paprika and Chinese cabbage, seasoned with parsley and garlic.
  • Figure passerovannym with onion, garlic and dill.
  • Grated cheese with garlic, cucumber and mayonnaise.
  • Beef heart - chop finely and fry, add the onion and carrot, put out to tender, season with pepper, salt and garlic.
  • Minced meat with garlic, onion, squid tentacles and tomatoes.

You can come up with a stuffing for stuffing squid using favorite foods, most importantly - do not limit the culinary imagination and cook with pleasure!

Recipe of the categories: