Txiki "Apples in the condensed milk"

→ Txiki "Apples in the condensed milk"

picture - Txiki "Apples in the condensed milk"

385 g condensed milk (1 tin)

2-3 eggs

2 handfuls raisins

1,5 Cup flour pancake

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. vanilla sugar


Using a whisk beat the eggs, add the vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt, then pour the condensed milk, not stopping the beating.

If you use pancake flour, it should not add the soda, ordinary flour you need to add the baking soda, add the flour to the egg-thickened mass, knead homogeneous viscous dough.

Apples not clear if the skin is thin, chop finely, sprinkle with lemon juice, add to the dough, put prepared (washed and obsushenny) raisins.

Take silicone molds, not reaching to the brim, fill it with dough, bake Txiki "Apples in the condensed milk in a preheated medium temperature oven for half an hour.

Recipe of the categories: