Leeks with dumplings

→ Leeks with dumplings

picture - Leeks with dumplings

1 kg leeks

700 g boiled potatoes

1 glass flour
what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show

1 tbsp. potato starch

salt, nutmeg

1-2 eggs

100 g smoked meat

2 tbsp. oil

1 tbsp. chopped greens

Leeks washed and cut into pieces of 3-4 cm and simmer in a little water or broth. Then add the broth (to the leek was covered completely) and on top of the leeks to put the prepared gnocchi. To prepare dumplings, boiled potatoes through a sieve, combine the flour, beaten egg, salt, grated nutmeg and on the Board roll out to a thickness of 0.5 cm, brush a layer of egg, then ground smoked meat, tightly roll into a roll and cut into pieces. Cookware with leek and potato dumplings cover and braise over low heat until tender, then add the butter and parsley. Submit to the dish dessert spoons.

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