Potato dumplings in milk

→ Potato dumplings in milk

picture - Potato dumplings in milk

Potato dumplings in milk our family dish. My grandmother in my childhood was preparing this soup, especially he was in the top after the appearance of the young potatoes. Now I cook it to your child. Actually, the soup is very simple and very tasty. The children also had a distinct flavor.

raw potatoes - 500-600 g
milk - 1 litre
salt to taste

Method of preparation:
1. Raw potatoes RUB on a small grater (as pancakes), you can use a food processor. Then rather strongly press the potatoes through a gauze. The pressed juice to stand for 3 minutes - 4 to the bottom of the tank ass starch. Pour out the juice, and the resulting starch returned in potatoes. The mass of mix and salt. The dough should get not liquid, so that the gnocchi was good for packing.
2. Put the milk on the fire.
3. Meanwhile, until the milk begins to boil, roll the gnocchi approximately 2 cm in diameter.When the milk comes to a boil, drop the dumplings one by one, better with a spoon, stirring occasionally, to not stick to the bottom of the pan. A little more salt, as it comes to a boil turn down the heat and cook for about 10 minutes - 15. When the gnocchi float to the surface, give them a little more cooks that the potatoes are cooked.
Potato dumplings in milk have a thick and rich.
Bon appetit!

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